「Chapter twenty-six」

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'Do I really have to help.', Seokjin whined as he looked at Taehyung and Jimin. It was a few weeks after they got the new house and they finally had everything to make the shop how they wanted.

'You suggested it yourself.', Taehyung chuckled as he put an bucket of paint down.

'Oh, right.', Seokjin mumbled.

'Where is Namjoon?', Jimin asked, rolling up his sleeves.

'He's working.', Seokjin said. 'And Mae has her audition today, so he will pick her up after.'

'I'm sure she will pass the auditions.', Taehyung said. 'She's very good.'

'She is extremely nervous though.', Seokjin said. 'She just called me and said she was really the only hybrid there. But the others were nice to her, so that's for the best right? She has been a trainee for just a year and she is already auditioning for a group! I'm so proud of her.'
Seokjin smiles widely and sighed.
'Now, lets get to work otherwise we will be here until next week!'. Seokjin ordered.
Jimin tsked and threw him a paint roller. Seokjin winked at him and started painting the walls.

Taehyung and Jimin grabbed one theirselves and started as well.

At the end of the day, they had covered all the walls in paint, and they had figured out where to put the stands with sweets on it, with the help of Seokjin's mathematics knowledge.

Jimin looked at the shop and put his hands on his hips.

'In a few weeks, we can finally open it up.', Jimin sighed. 'Can you believe it?'

'I can't. Can you?', Taehyung asked, placing his chin on Jimin's shoulder.

'I can.', Jimin smiled, tapping Taehyung's chin. 'Don't worry love, we can do this together.'

'Together forever?',

'Together forever.'

。。T H E E N D 。。

Its the end already :"(. I'm sorry it's such a stupid ending.
I hope you all liked this story, I had so much fun in writing it and reading all your comments. I will make a spin off I think, I'm almost sure.

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Tsk, u really thought this was the end? Of course not, we need more drama. Keep scrolling folks.

3 march 2022. I wish I ended it here. omg. This book was the worst postponed thing ever... after my book pretty lmaoooo


'I need a coffee!', Seokjin exclaimed.

'We have coffee upstairs.', Jimin said. 'I can make some.'
He walked to the stairs and Seokjin and Taehyung followed him.
Before Seokjin walked into the room, he checked his phone. He didn't have any call or text from Namjoon yet, and it started to worry him a little. Mostly he would text him when he got out of work, but maybe he forgot while picking up Mae. Seokjin shoved his phone back in his pocket and walked after Taehyung.


Another hour passed. Seokjin tried to call Namjoon, but nobody picked up. He sighed, throwing his phone on the couch and running a hand through his hair.

'Are you okay, Seokjin-hyung?', Jimin asked.

'I'm a little worried about Namjoon.', Seokjin admitted. 'I haven't heard from him yet.',

'Maybe his phone died?', Taehyung suggested.

'He could have called with Mae's phone.', Seokjin mumbled. 'I'm just worried alright, I don't know what's going on.'

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