「Chapter forty-one」

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Everyone had turned around. Suho was furious when he saw how had spoken. Taehyung was surprised and Jimin was hopefull.

'I have something to say.', Moonbyul repeated. 'Suho is lying.', she continued. 'He is making everything up. There is so much you need to know before condemning Taehyung.' Jimin's mother was surprised but recovered quickly.

'Then I'd like you to come forward.', she said, gesturing at the witness chair. Moonbyul stood up confidently and walked to the chair. When she saw Suho glaring at him, she looked at him for a few seconds, before sitting down and taking a deep breath. 'What do you have to say?'

'Suho hated Taehyung from the beginning.', she broke out. 'He had been jealous of Taehyung since he stole Jimin from him. Which is bullshit, but however. This all started at the age of eleven. Suho had thrown a rock at Taehyung that made his ear split. You can clearly see that.', Moonbyul gestured at Taehyung, who tilted his head and looked at her with a frown. 'Taehyung didn't do anything wrong. I accidentally kicked a ball over the fence of the facility and Taehyung climbed over it to return it, but Suho instantly began to throw rocks at him, just because he was a hybrid. When he came to our school, he knew instantly that it was him. He did capture him, and he did lock him up in a room for days. Right?', Moonbyul looked at the three girls who had been sitting next to her, including Solar. Wheein and Hwasa nodded instantly, Solar following reluctant. 'When he saw that Taehyung got out of the room, he beat him up. Several times after that even. Taehyung never did anything. He took it because he knew that if he did something, this would happen. Suho has bothered Jimin and Taehyung so many times because he thinks Taehyung doesn't deserve anything. But he still didn't do anything. Taehyung had been gone for a few days and Suho tried again and again to-'

'SHUT UP!', Suho suddenly shouted. He jumped up and was ready to walk to Moonbyul, but his lawyer stopped him. 'You're lying.'

'I'm not.', Moonbyul said. 'I'm not letting Taehyung suffer because of your idiocy. As I said; he kept bothering Jimin when Taehyung was gone. Then Jimin disappeared as well. Just for a few days though. When they came back, Taehyung looked so tired and stressed. Suho was angry that he was back and tried to get in between them again. That's when I noticed that Taehyung was... how do I say that? More "aggressive" than before. But Jimin stopped him because, of course, he did so. Not even a few days later, Suho followed him into an alley and provoked him until he couldn't take it. That's when he attacked. But he obviously had a reason. He heard Jimin and Taehyung talking about marriage-' Jimin's ears got scarlet as Mae and Jungkook stared at him with wide eyes. '-and he wanted to stop it by this. He wanted to lie so Taehyung got put down and then he would have Jimin for himself.'

'Marriage between hybrids is impossible.', Suho's lawyer said.

'Which is bullshit.', Moonbyul replied. 'what I'm trying to say is that it's all Suho's fault. He had it all planned out and knew the consequences.', The judge looked with a frown at Moonbyul.

'Then why didn't you say before?', he asked. 'Why at the last moment?' Moonbyul's pale cheeks flushed.

'Because I was scared that he'd hurt me.', she said softly.

'That means that Suho isn't in a stable state of mind.', Jimin's mother called out. 'If anything, it would be Suho who goes to jail and Taehyung has to be set free. Right?', she looked at the judge. He held up his hand and leaned toward the woman next to him. They talked for a few seconds and then he rose up.

'My final word.', the judge spoke. 'The hybrid, Kim Taehyung, will be set free of all charges and-' he barely could continue talking. A cheer had erupted in the room. Jimin jumped up, joining the others in cheering and Taehyung threw his head back, releasing a relieved breath and laughing quietly. '-and Kim Suho will be put in jail for his actions.' He slammed his hammer down again. Jimin was already rushing to the front of the room, toward Taehyung and his mother. The police came and removed the cuffs from Taehyung's wrist, apologizing for the mistakes and then he went over to Suho - who was screaming angrily. Taheyung turned around. He spread his arms and hugged Jimin, lifting him up and spinning him around in the air.

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