「Chapter fifty」

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Taehyung woke up late. When he looked at his alarm and saw it read 10:24 am, he groaned, rubbing his face.

'Fuck me.' he got up and sat for a few moments in his bed, rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes. He so didn't want to get out of bed. Just one day of rest would be phenomenal. Eventually, he stepped out of bed and walked to the two cribs of his little pups. He looked at them, but then he froze. The cribs were gone- his pups were gone! 'Soo-hyun!', he shouted, hurrying to the door. 'Minsu?!', he bursted the door open and rushed into the livingroom.

That's when he paused.

'Aren't you my little babies.', cooed Jimin, booping Soo-Hyun's little button nose. She grabbed Jimin's finger, giggling loudly. Minsu was still deeply asleep. Taehyung could not believe his eyes. He probably must be dreaming.

'Jiminie?', he asked quietly. Jimin turned around, his cat ears twitching. He smiled at Taehyung. He still looked tired. With bags underneath his eyes and red eyes he looked at Taehyung. It was clear that he still hadn't fully recovered from the loss the two went through. He shuffled toward Taehyung and hugged him, resting his head on his chest.

'Goodmorning, love.', Jimin mumbled. Taehyung's hands automatically were drawn around Jimin, keeping him close. 'How are you?',

'Are you okay?', Taehyung asked softly, looking down at Jimin. 'Aren't you tired? Or anything.', Jimin just shook his head.

'I'm fine, Tae.', Jimin answered. 'I'm finer then before, actually.', it was silent. 'The pups ate already.', he then said. 'Minsu fell right back asleep but Soo-Hyun is a busy one.', Taehyung giggled quietly.

'Yeah...', he agreed. 'Yeah she is a busy one.', Jimin looked at their pups.

'Can we lay down for a while...?', asked Jimin, rubbing his eyes. 'I know I just woke up but my body just feels exhausted...'

'Yes! No, baby that's fine.', Taehyung rushed out. Taehyung guided his love to the couch and laid down with him. Jimin smiled contentedly as he laid down on Taehyung's chest.

'I'm sorry that I was gone for so long.', Jimin apologized. 'I wanted to help you and the pups so bad but I just physically couldn't get up.'
Taehyung stroked Jimin's blonde locks.

'I missed you.', whispered Taehyung. 'I really did.'

'I'm sorry.', Jimin said once again. 'I don't know why I couldn't get up. But my omega was...'

'Devastated.', Taehyung finished his sentence.

'But you were too!', Jimin pouted. 'I don't think it was fair for me to mourn while you took care of the pups. I'm so sorry.'
Taehyung was now pouting too, and he kissed Jimin's head.

'Why are you apologizing, it wasn't even your fault. Your omega was just... being a little stupid. I love your omega but he's just been a little stubborn lately.' Taehyung added quickly.
The last thing he wanted is to insult Jimin's omega. Jimin giggled.

'I know.', he said. 'I know.' They stayed like that for a while, Taehyung playing with Jimin's locks and Jimin laid peacefully on Taehyung's chest. 'Have they been good for you?', Jimin asked. 'Not too much of a problem right?',

'Obviously not.', Taehyung scoffed. 'I know perfectly well how to take care of my pups.', Jimin giggled and propper his head up to look at Taehyung properly. They stared at each other for a few moments. 

'I think I will get out of bed every day now.', he spoke. 'I will help you with everything, and I will handle it. You get some rest. You've been doing so much for me lately.', Taehyung couldn't contain his smile. 

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