「Chapter thirteen」

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Jimin was waiting. He was waiting in front of Taehyung's classroom. He had to talk to Taehyung, although he had no idea what he could possibly say, he just had to talk to him. He had to tell him that everything he had said wasn't true - he already had said that. He had to tell him he was sorry - but he already did that as well. What was he supposed to say?

'Jimin.', Jimin jumped and turned around. 'What are you doing here?'

'Hi, Rosé.', Jimin sighed. 'I'm waiting for someone.'

'Is it that cute blue-haired boy you keep walking around with?', Rosé asked excitedly looking around the corridors to spot him. 'He's cute, although I haven't seen him in a while.'

'Things had happened, Rosie.', Jimin said. Rosé looked back at Jimin.

'Oh sweetie what happened?', she asked.

'I've insulted him.', Jimin said blankly. 'I've told him to disappear out of my life, while he tried to help me. I've said sorry a thousand times, but I don't know what to do anymore. I'm sure he's still angry at me.' Rosé was silent for a few seconds.

'Thank you?', Jimin raised an eyebrow and looked at the girl.


'Say thank you.', Rosé said. 'You said he helped you, right? Say thank you, tell him what bothers you, listen when he's telling what bothers him. I think it's important to know what's going on inside his head like it's important for him to know what's going on inside yours. Then you can come to a solution together.' Jimin blinked for a few seconds, his ears perked up.

'I think that could work...', Jimin said softly. 'Thank you, Rosie.'

'Always, Chimmy.', she ruffled his hair and continued walking.

When the bell rang, Jimin waited for Taehyung to walk out. This turned out to be a long time. Taehyung was waiting for Namjoon to be done talking with Seokjin. He was impatiently standing next to the door as he waited for his friends. Jimin walked to the door and tapped on Taehyung's shoulder. Taehyung turned around.

'Oh, Jiminie.', Jimin could see the surprised look on his face. 'What are you doing here?'

'I... ehm...', Jimin wasn't able to speak for a few seconds. Taehyung's hair hung slightly in front of his forehead, his hair messy and slightly curling. As he was looking at Jimin, Jimin noticed how Taehyung's eyes shone, and the small mole on his nose and eyelid... how couldn't he have seen that before? 'Would you like to walk to the park? With me? Just for a while...'
Taehyung looked at Jimin and then at Namjoon.

'Im going, Joon.', he called, walking out of the class.

'Yea, fine.'
Taehyung rolled his eyes as he walked with Jimin through the corridors.


It was quiet as the two walked through the park next to the school. None of them waiting for the other to say something and not knowing what to say if they said anything. Eventually they sat down on a bench in front of a small river. Jimin's tail laid itself in his lap and he held it unconsciously. Taehyung waited, and so did Jimin.

'Did you wanted to talk about something?', Taehyung asked after a long silence. Jimin nodded. Taehyung nodded as well. 'You don't know where to start?', Jimin nodded again. 'Alright.' The silence fell again. 'I wanted to talk to you as well.', Taehyung said after a few seconds. Jimin's ears perked up and he looked at Taehyung. He looked as if he just made a decision which bothered him for a while now. 'I know it's weird, to think this... because of the recent events I mean... but... argh!' Taehyung buried his face in his hands and ran a hand through his hair. 'Jimin, I like you.'
Jimin's eyes widened.

Is he serious? After all he had done? After the insults and that he hated him, it wasn't true but still. It must have hit him harshly.

'Really?', Jimin asked in a tiny voice.

'Really.', Taehyung said. 'And I know, that you don't like me. It's weird; liking someone who has been your best friend for so long. And about what happened a few weeks ago. And I know you like Suho and-'

'Woah, Woah, Woah!', Jimin interrupted Taehyung when Suho's name came up. 'Suho? Why do you think I like him?',

'I've seen you two.', Taehyung said softly. 'He came to me a few days ago. Saying that I wasn't allowed to say to you that I like you, but I've done that now, so he's gonna punch me again, and tie me up and leave me alone in a room and-'

'Stop!', Jimin said quickly. 'What do you mean? Punch you again? Tie up up and leave you alone? What the hell? Tae, what has he done to you?'
Taehyung looked at Jimin with wide eyes which almost resembled puppy eyes.

'He tied me up in a chair once.', Taehyung said. 'And he left me for a day in that room. I couldn't leave.'

Jimin blinked. He just now remembered the moment when he walked into a room and untied a hybrid with blue hair and-

'That was you?', Jimin asked in disbelief. 'It was you who I found in that room?'

'Was it?',

'It must have been.', Jimin said, running a hand through his hair. 'If I see him I'll talk to him-'

'No!', Taehyung said quickly, his ears pressing onto his head. 'He'll do it again! I don't want to happen it again! It was cold, and I was lonely and scared a-and-'

'Alright, alright.', Jimin interrupted him. 'I won't. But tae, why didn't you tell me?'
Taehyung shrugged.

'Thought it wasn't important.', he said softly.

'Not important?', Jimin repeated. 'Taehyung, that is abuse. You should tell someone.' Taehyung shook his head frantically. 'Tell me?', he asked. Taehyung looked at the ground.

'Think I will.', he said.

'Fine. But back to.. what you were telling me.', Jimin looked at Taehyung as his eyes widened slightly. 'I don't like Suho.', he continued. 'I've never liked him. I never had someone who I liked actually. I've been on dates before, but I've never liked them.' Taehyung stayed silent.

'You like me?', he asked, voice tiny.

'I don't know.', Jimin said, turning his body away from Taehyung. 'I'm confused. About everything. And I don't know why I'm confused. I'm just- confused.'

'About what?', Taehyung asked, leaning forward to look at Jimin's face.

'Everything? I don't know.', Jimin shrugged. 'Yoongi keeps telling me that...' he hesitated.

'Keeps telling you what?',

'That you are my mate...', Jimin's voice trailed off as he said it. 'That I found my mate without knowing I did.'
Taehyung looked at Jimin with wide eyes.

'And you don't think so?', Taehyung asked softly.

'I don't know.' Jimin answered.
It was silent for a while.

'We could... go on a date if you want?', Taehyung then asked. Jimin turned to look at him.

'Are you serious?', Jimin asked.

'Only if you'd like.', Taehyung said quickly.

'It's not all about me.', Jimin said. 'Do you want to?'

'Well, yes, but-'

'Then I want too.', Jimin said with a smile. 'Yes, I would like to go on a date with you, Tae-Tae.'
Taehyung looked at Jimin and then smiled, somewhat shyly.

'Well, eh- great.', Taehyung said, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. 'I've never been on dates actually, so I don't know what-'

'We can go and get Korean barbecue, it's fine.', Jimin said. 'Tomorrow? Seven o'clock?'
Taehyung nodded.

'Wait, what do I wear?', Taehyung asked.

'Well, something you feel comfortable in, a bit fancy maybe? But not too much.', Jimin explained.

'I- I think I know something.', Taehyung said, scratching his neck.

'Alright. Great!', Jimin said with a smile.


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