「Chapter thirty-eight」

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'Jimin, you have to open the shop.', Jimin grumbled and threw the blankets over his head. 'Aye!', after receiving a blow to the head, Jimin sat up grumpily. 'Jungkook is opening up.', Mae told him. 'I made you breakfast. Now get up and do your thing.' She walked out of the room while putting her hair in a messy bun. Jimin leaned with his head on his hands. He really didn't feel like working today.

The officers had told him that he wasn't allowed to visit Taehyung as long as the case was going on. His lawyer would come every day and talk to him to defend him in court, but Taehyung had given up all hope. It was now two days ago since Jimin had visited Taehyung. In a week Taehyung would be escorted to court. Jimin would come because - of course, he would.

Jimin got up, feeling like there was a heavyweight on his shoulder as he washed up and changed. When he walked into the living room and smelled the breakfast Mae made, he froze. A wave of nausea washed over him, making him clutch his stomach and let his head fall down. It seemed like his stomach turned fast.

'Jimin, are you okay?', Mae asked, putting her phone down. Jimin didn't reply. 'What is- Jimin!'
Jimin had turned around and dashed to the bathroom. Mae followed him quickly. He slammed the door behind himself and made it to the toilet in time to spill the contents of his stomach into it, clutching the porcelain with his hands, tears streaming down his face. He felt horrible, he felt sick and lightheaded. The door opened and a hand came on his back, rubbing it softly. Mae didn't say anything, just stood there and tried to calm him down a little. Jimin gripped his hair tightly, his head still turning and feeling nauseous.
'Are you okay?', Mae asked softly.

'I feel fucking awful.', Jimin spat.

'I see.', Mae said. It was silent for a few seconds. 'What made you feel awful?'

'I just smelled breakfast and it just... didn't go right.'

'Well, excuse me; I am a very good cook.', Mae said - fake offense in her voice. 'I've learned it from Kim Seokjin, try to offend him and get back without being scolded.' Jimin chuckled lightly.

'It's not that it wasn't good.', Jimin said. 'I've not even tasted it, but the smell made me sick.' Mae fell silent, an odd smile curling on her lips.

'Really now...', she said softly. 'Well, go and brush your teeth and... try to eat breakfast? I don't know. Maybe you should wait a bit before you go and eat.', she wondered out loud. 'I think you should do that. Now, when you're feeling better, come downstairs and then we'll help you with the shop.' Jimin nodded. Mae rubbed his back again and then left the bathroom. Jimin sat there for a few moments but then got up, flushed the toilet and went over to the sink to brush his teeth.

He ran a hand through his hair as he walked out, holding his breath as he rushed to the stairs and walked down - trying to avoid another wave of nausea. He sighed as he sat down behind the register, resting his head on his hands.

'God, Hyung, you look terrible.', Jungkook noted as he caught sight of his friend. Jimin grumbled.

'I feel terrible.', Jimin said. Jungkook's ears flopped back on his head. He walked toward Jimin and put a hand on his shoulder.

'Hey, What's wrong?', Jungkook asked softly.

'Everything.', Jimin admitted. 'I'm just worried sick about Taehyung, it's making me feel horrible. I'm even getting nauseous from it. It just...- makes me so sick. What if he won't get back to me?' Jungkook rubbed his back, trying to search for words.

'I'm sure he'll be fine.', Jungkook said. 'He's a tough hybrid. And I'm sure all the odds will be in his favor. It's not his fault. It's all Suho's.'

'I've been wanting to talk about that.' Both Jungkook and Jimin looked up. Jimin's mother walked in, clutching a small briefcase in her hand and looking extremely professional. Jimin never had seen in mother in action, but every time she walked around like a real lawyer; Jimin couldn't help but feel proud that his mother helped people. 'Jimin.' His mother smiled at Jungkook, who understood and quickly gave them some privacy. 'I need you to tell me everything.' His mother said. 'I'm helping Taehyung. I'm his lawyer. Since the court is next week, I need people who can tell your story, who had been part of it. And - it hurts me to say this - they can't be hybrids. If so, Taehyung's case will be lost. Jimin, I can't stress this enough; Taehyung could face serious consequences if we don't have solid evidence. Do you know any people who had been there?' Jimin nodded seriously.

'Seokjin-hyung! And Hobi-hyung! They have both been there! They were teachers at our school! They- they must have seen something, right?'

'I hope they did.', his mother said. 'But I will note that I will wont stop fighting for Taehyung's innocence. He is my sun-in-law, I've heard-' she added, seeing Jimin's shy smile. '-and I know he would never do anything like that without a reason.

And we will get him free.'


Lack of inspiration, lets welcome it in the house. Sorry for the short chapter, I'm just a little busy.

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