「Chapter sixteen」

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It was the last day before the winter break. Jimin already had all his stuff packed, just like Taehyung. The last days they were together all the time. Yoongi acted like he was annoyed, but Jimin knew he wasn't. It only gave him more reasons to go to Hoseok, so why would he be complaining? They hadn't seen Jungkook for a while, he would go really early and come back late in the evening, this night he didn't even come back.

Taehyung just had his appointment with Jisoo, and Jimin was waiting for him in the cafeteria. They would go back to his house tomorrow morning, Yoongi would drop them off. When Taehyung appeared in the cafeteria and walked toward Jimin, he noticed that things probably didn't go as planned. He sat down next to Jimin and sighed.

'She didn't have any pills on stock.', Taehyung said. 'She said that they would be delivered somewhere in the vacation.' Jimin looked at Taehyung for a few seconds.

'We'll figure something out.', Jimin said. 'Don't worry.' He petted Taehyung's ears carefully. He noticed that his ear was still split from so many years ago.

'If you say so.', Taehyung shrugged. Before they could say anything else, someone sat opposite them. They both looked around.

'Jungkook!', Jimin exclaimed - rather surprised.

Jungkook looked stressed. He was looking around and running a hand through his hair. His ears laid backward on his head.

'Where have you been?', Jimin asked. 'Where were you last night?'

'I- I was at Mae's...', Jungkook mumbled. Taehyung cocked up an eyebrow.

'Ohh, Jungkookie.', he teased with a smile.

'this is not funny, Taehyung.', Jungkook spat. Taehyung raised his hands in defense. Jungkook ran his hand again through his hair and looked around again.

'What's wrong?', Jimin asked. 'why are you so nervous?'

'She is an alpha!', he suddenly screamed/whispered. Jimin's eyes widened in surprise.

'How do you-'

'Mae is an alpha?', Taehyung asked. 'Haven't met a hybrid alpha-girl before, cool.'

'That is not the point now, Tae.', Jimin said. 'How do you know?' Jungkook's cheeks heated up a little. 'Don't tell me that-'

'I didn't know what to do!', Jungkook hissed. He buried his face in his hands. Taehyung made an 'O' with his mouth and Jimin just stared at him. 'Namjoon and Seokjin-hyung are gonna kill me...'

'Speaking of him, there he is.', Taehyung said, gesturing to the entrance of the cafeteria. Jungkook looked around with big eyes, he grabbed his bag and ran. When Namjoon and Yoongi took place at their table, Yoongi gestured at Jungkook.

'What's wrong with him?', he asked. Taehyung was laughing, Jimin was just shaking his head.

'I don't know.', Jimin said.

'Is Mae not here yet?', Namjoon asked. 'Or has she been here already?'

'No, I think she's still in her dormitory.', Jimin said.

'Is she sick?'

'She just had her first heat.', Taehyung chuckled. Namjoon looked at him, his ears twitching.

'What?', he asked sharply.

'Don't worry, she's still alive.', Taehyung said. 'We heard she's an alpha!', Yoongi raised an eyebrow. Namjoon stood up.

'I'm going to check on her.', he said. 'See you soon.' With that, he disappeared.

'A girl-alpha is odd.', Yoongi said. 'Besides, How do you guys know?'

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