「Chapter fifteen」

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Together with Jimin, Taehyung was walking through the city close to the school. It was getting rather cold, it was a few weeks December now, and before Taehyung went out he quickly put on a coat before he froze to death. As they walked through the city, the lights of a few shops went out. There was a light breeze that made the boy's hair move, but they both didn't really mind. They were walking close to each other, hands touching lightly. Taehyung actually wanted to take Jimin's hand in his own, for a reason he himself didn't understand. But before he could make a decision, Jimin took his hand. Taehyung looked at Jimin, a small smile was now to be found on his lips.

Jimin led Taehyung to a Korean barbecue and walked in. Taehyung watched as Jimin talked to the woman who eventually led them to their table, he was still holding Jimin's hand. When they sat down next to each other, Jimin smiled brightly at Taehyung.

'So, Taehyung.', Jimin said. 'What happened in the years you disappeared? I know that you moved to another facility, but why?',

'Well, because I was turning sixteen, I was considered full maturity as a hybrid.', Taehyung explained. 'They told me that they were allowed to test...- stuff on me.' Jimin's smile disappeared faintly.

'What do you mean?', Jimin asked.

'Well, I wasn't moved for nothing.', Taehyung continued. 'They had a goal in the facility, which was making hybrids procreate on their own, without being the same species. So they would give me injections every month, one to make my heat come earlier and one to test if the serum worked to procreate. I got used to it in the end. Besides, I think this thing is warm enough.', he added, holding his hand a few inches above the barbecue. 'What do you want?' Taehyung put some meat on the barbecue and looked at Jimin.

'I don't care, just put something on.', Jimin said softly. He looked at Taehyung as he happily continued placing meat and other stuff on the barbecue. 'Have they ever hurt you?', he asked after a few moments of silence. Jimin continued watching Taehyung as he froze for a few seconds.

'Well, I won't deny that the needles didn't hurt.', Taehyung said, chuckling lightly. 'But nothing more really.'

'They better, otherwise I would have killed them.', Jimin spat. Taehyung chuckled.

'Hybrids could get in serious trouble if they attacked humans.', Taehyung told Jimin. 'So you better stay put.',

'I'm not a dog.', Jimin said, frowning.

'Well, I don't really care.', Taehyung smiled at Jimin. He huffed and rolled his eyes. 'By the way, how are your parents? I never hear you talking about them.'

'Oh, they're fine.', Jimin said, smiling again. 'I talk to them every week on the phone. They are always asking me if I've seen some person who took my attention or if I've seen anyone who I believed who is my mate. I love them, they're really caring. My dad has been a little sick lately though, but he reassures me he'll be alright, that's just the flu.' Jimin brushed some hair away which was in front of his eyes a little. 'How are your parents?'

Taehyung blinked at Jimin and stayed silent. That's right. He never told Jimin the truth about his parents. They died. But Taehyung didn't need to ruin the mood just for that. He would tell him another time, just... not now.

'Oh, they're fine.', Taehyung made up. 'Only... they will be staying at my... grandmothers during the Christmas break, that's why I have to stay at school.' Jimin frowned.

'You can't stay at school during the Christmas break.', Jimin told him. 'That's the only holiday and the summer break that it isn't allowed to stay there.' Taehyung's ears pressed onto his head a little, he didn't expect that piece of information.

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