「Chapter forty」

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'The trial has been opened.' A loud slam from wood on wood echoed through the room. It made Taehyung's ears twitch. He sat at a table, his hands were cuffed together, making sure he wouldn't hurt anyone or that he escaped. A table next to him was Suho. But Taehyung didn't know it was him. He was barely recognizable anymore. His face was scarred, like his arms and legs. There were ugly lines over his face, where Taehyung's claws had slashed him. But even though his body was maimed, he was looked with a smirk at Taehyung. Taehyung didn't dare to look up, he was fidgeting with the sleeve of his suit, nervous, scared and sad. 'We are here to see if hybrid Kim Taehyung is guilty of the charges he had been given. Mister Suho, you may speak.' Suho stood up, his stupid face didn't have the smirk anymore, but was "sad".

'Well, your honor.', he spoke up. 'I was just walking through an alley, back home from a long working day, when I suddenly saw a hybrid hunched in the corner of the alley. I wanted to ask if everything was okay, but then he attacked me! If it wasn't for my friends, I probably wouldn't be here right now.' Jimin's ears twitched irritably. Liar.

'You see, your honor.', he lawyer said. 'It has always been dangerous to have feral hybrids on the streets of Seoul. But you know as good as I that ferals that attack have to be put down.' The judge nodded, familiar with the rules the government had made years ago.

'I strongly disagree.', said Jimin's mother, who was sitting next to Taehyung as his lawyer. 'I think it's not only bad to be put down for a rank you have gotten when you were younger. But that's not the case of today. Taehyung here.', she placed a soft hand on his shoulder. 'is no feral. He's a wild hybrid. He had gotten this rank only because of the kind hybrid he is. Taehyung had never attacked anyone or hurt anyone, without reason.' she added, glaring at Suho. He scoffed. The judge looked with interest at her.

'Would you like to continue your statement?',

'Of course.', she said, standing up as well. 'I am just saying that if Taehyung attacked someone, it must have been with a good reason. You are speaking of just a hybrid like you've never seen him before.', she said, gesturing at Suho. 'But you have seen Taehyung many times. You were in the same school as him and made sure he knew your name already in the first week. You captured Taehyung in his first week and locked him in a room you knew he wouldn't escape off. But even if you did so, he didn't attack.' Suho scoffed.

'That's bullshit.', he spat. His lawyer shushed him down, looking at Jimin's mom.

'Do you have any evidence for that?', he asked her.

'I have witnesses.', she said simply. 'I'd like to call Kim Yongsun forward please.' Solar looked distressed as her name got called. She stood up from her seat and walked toward the witness chair. 'Kim Yongsun.', she said, walking from behind her table. 'You have been friends with Suho at school, am I correct?'


'Have you seen Suho close to Taehyung or have you seen him talking to him?' Solar was silent for a few seconds, her eyes flickering to Suho, who was glaring at her.


'Can you confirm that Suho had indeed captured and locked Taehyung in the first week of school?' A huge silence fell in the room, with everyone staring at Solar. Jimin knew that it was true, Solar had told him about it. But he couldn't say anything - as the boyfriend of Taehyung and as hybrid he wasn't allowed to the witness chair.

'I can't remember.', Solar finally said. A smirk came upon Suho's face.

'What do you mean with you can't remember?', Jimin's mother asked sharply.

'I mean that it was quite some years ago.', Solar said. 'I just don't remember.' Jimin's mother sighed.

'But you can confirm that Suho has been seen talking with Taehyung?', she asked, just to be sure.

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