「Chapter seventeen」

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'Jimin-ah? Can- can I kiss you?'

Jimin blinked.


His answer came as a shaky breath, but he answered nonetheless. Taehyung removed his hands from Jimin's and leaned down. He carefully cupped his cheek and looked at Jimin again. He sucked in a breath and looked at Taehyung, hovering above him and looking at him intensely. He flashed Jimin a smile and then leaned down, brushing his lips against Jimin's full ones. Taehyung's carefully touch made Jimin melt into the kiss. He raised his hands, not sure where to put them, but he just put them around Taehyung's neck, pulling him more tightly against him, deepening the kiss. His lips moved slowly and deliberately against Jimin's, taking his time as if he had been imagining this for a long time and not wanting to rush the moment. Jimin's hands moved up to his ears, his fingertips brushing over the tip and ghosting his fingers along with the fur there. A deep pure tire through his chest and-

Taehyung let go of Jimin, raising himself up and lightly placing a finger on Jimin's lips. Jimin's eyes widened slightly while looking at the taller male.

'If we continue now, I don't think I will be able to stop.', Taehyung said, voice deep. He looked at Jimin, his eyes wide, lips a little wet. 'I'm sorry.'

'Don't be.', Jimin said. 'I liked it.', Taehyung chuckled softly. He sat down on the bed and ran his hands through his hair. Jimin sat up as well, looking at the younger hybrid. 'Tae-tae?' Taehyung looked at him. 'I like you as well.', Taehyung's ears perked up hopefully.

'As in-'

'Yes, as in the same way as you do.', Jimin reassured him. Taehyung smiled, it was probably the widest smile he had ever shown.

'So- eh, what does that mean?', Taehyung asked Jimin, scratching the back of his neck. Jimin shrugged. 'Eh...- I'm sorry for asking this but...' Jimin raised an eyebrow. 'Be my boyfriend?'
Jimin smiled. He slid closer to Taehyung and draped his arms over his shoulder.

'Yes, Tae-Tae, I'll be your boyfriend.', he said. 'Only if you'll be mine though.'
Taehyung chuckled.

'You are so funny.', he said, rolling his eyes.

'I know.', Jimin said, smirking.


The next few days pass slowly. Taehyung was finally able to hold Jimin as long as he could. And he was enjoying it thoroughly. They would wake up in each other's arms, cuddle for long periods of time, and they loved it both.
A week after their relationship was official, Jimin and Taehyung were walking hand in hand over the snow-covered streets to a cafe. Jimin was talking without an end about a lot of things, but Taehyung just listened. He liked listening to him, he had a nice voice to listen to.

'Did you know I was already dancing when I was super young?', Jimin asked, smiling. 'My parents adopted me when I was a few months, so when I was able to stand in the box, I would grab the edges and bounce up and down when there was any music in the room.'
Taehyung giggled.

'I want to see you when you were a little kid.', Taehyung giggled. 'A small little kid, with cute chubby cheekies.' Taehyung kissed the shorter one on his cheek. 'Tiny tail and ears, I can imagine you already.' Jimin rolled his eyes and shook his head. 'Don't roll your eyes at me, you and I both know it's true.', Jimin chuckled but nodded. 

'Alright, it's true.', he said smiling. He walked into the bakery in front of Taehyung. He walked to the counter as he came there every day. Taehyung looked around. He was surprised to see that there were a lot of hybrids with owners, or a small group of hybrids sitting around the tables. They all looked extremely comfortable and happy. They were talking, eating and laughing happily. Taehyung had never seen so many happy hybrids in one place. He had seen a lot of hybrids in the facility of course, but there they weren't very happy. 

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