「Chapter thirty-four」

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'I've missed this.', Taehyung mumbled. Taehyung had his arms wrapped around Jimin, nuzzling into his neck. Jimin was playing with the small hairs on his nape, smiling as Taehyung carefully kissed the mark on Jimin's neck. Their legs were tangled together, Taehyung's tail wrapped around Jimin's thigh - as if he was afraid that he would disappear. 'I've missed you.'

'I missed you too, Tae-Tae.', Jimin said softly, petting his ears. 'I was so afraid...- gosh. I thought I would never get you back.' Taehyung sighed, feeling a little guilty. 'But you're back, and that's all that matters.' Jimin added with a smile. Taehyung smiled, kissing the mark again.

'I thought it was a dream at first.', Taehyung mumbled. 'When I noticed your scent... I mean. I was surprised and I thought I was dreaming. But I wasn't, and I'm so happy and I want to marry you.' Jimin smiled nuzzling into Taehyung's hair, wrapping his arms around him.

'We can't though.', Jimin sighed. 'The law.'

'Screw the law.', Taehyung said. He pushed himself upon his hands, looking down at Jimin. 'I will marry you! We do it!' Jimin's eyes were wide.

'How do you-'

'I will get a pretty ring, a-and I'll ask you to marry me- and then we'll be married. It might not be in the documents of the government, but I don't care. Namjoon and Seokjin-hyung did it as well. They are married, why can't we?' Jimin looked at Taehyung for a few seconds.

'Yes!', he then said, a wide smile coming up his lips. He raised his hands, cupping both of Taehyung's cheeks and pressing their foreheads together. 'I want to marry you. I want to so bad.' Taehyung let out a relieved sigh, smiling widely again.

'I want to be with you forever.'

'I want that too.', Jimin added. 'I want pups as well.' Taehyung looked at Jimin, into his sparkling, brown orbs. 'I want to adopt pups with you! Little kittens and cubs! They'll be ours!' Taehyung nodded.

'Many pups.',

'How many?',

'Five!', Taehyung said instantly.

'Five?!', Jimin asked with wide eyes, giggling quietly. Taehyung nodded, starting to kiss Jimin's neck softly - making Jimin giggle. 'Taehyung, this place isn't big enough for five pups.'

'We can expand.', Taehyung noted.

'Sure, but not five.', Jimin said. 'Three.'

'Four?', Taehyung asked, looking Jimin in the eye again. 'Two beautiful princesses and two brave princes.', Jimin's smile couldn't get wider.

'Two princesses and two princes.', Jimin confirmed. Taehyung squeaked in happiness, kissing Jimin softly on the lips. Jimin giggled softly.

'Thank you.', Taehyung murmured. 'I've always wanted kids and now with you- this is amazing, Jimin. Thank you so much.', Jimin smiled.

'First, we get married, though.'

'First, we get married.',


The following day the shop got opened again. Taehyung was working with the widest smile, greeting customers and making little talks with the people who had noticed he had been gone for a while. Taehyung also had a long conversation with a married couple when he admitted that he wanted to marry Jimin - their reactions were so cute. Clapping in their hands and telling Taehyung that the law really should change. Jimin acted like he didn't notice though, letting Taehyung chat with the customers and letting him feel like nothing had happened.

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