「Chapter four」

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The Friday before weekend started, Namjoon and Taehyung had Math as last. The two hybrids were a bit slower then the others, because Namjoon lost his book for some magical reason nobody could understand.

'How on earth can you loose your book, while we need that damn book?!', Taehyung asked him.

'I don't know, I just- got it!'
It was underneath his bag.

'How?!', Taehyung asked in disbelief.

'I don't know I-'

'Namjoon-ah, can I talk to you please?',
Mr. Kim voice echoed through the classroom. Namjoon looked up, his cheek flushing slightly. He nodded and put his books in his bag. He stood up and walked to Mr. Kim with head low. Taehyung followed him.
'Taehyung, it's better for you to go back to your dormitory.', he said. 'Namjoon and I need to discuss some things.'
Taehyung looked from Namjoon to the teacher - not believing a single word - but nodded and walked away.

As Taehyung walked through the corridors of the school, he noticed that it gets quieter with every step he took. Eventually, the only thing audible were his echoing footsteps. Taehyung looked around, not liking the silence. Even with his hybrid senses he couldn't pick up any sound. The lights were out, so it was pitch black, all the curtains were blocking the sunlight from the windows. Taehyung's instincts told him to turn around and walk away, his curiosity said he should keep walking.

His curiosity took over. So Taehyung continued his way. At some point, he saw further away some light, and he smiled. The lightbulbs probably needed to get changed. He walked further and-

Somebody closed his hand around Taehyung's wrist and pulled him into an open room. He yelped and almost tripped. His bag fell of his shoulder.

'I got him! I got him!', somebody shouted.
Several footsteps hurried towards him and grabbed his arms tightly. They pulled him up and dragged him to the middle of the room.
Taehyung tried to free himself from the grips, but it was impossible if he didn't wanted to hurt the persons. They pushed him onto a chair and held his hands behind him.

'Where is the rope?!'

A rope got tied around wrists as Taehyung kicked and screamed for somebody to help.

'Do something about his screams!',

'I can't! He's an predator!'

Someone pulled on the ropes to tighten it.
'Close the door!'
The door got closed and the only light got shut out of the room. But a light got clicked on almost as instant. Taehyung blinked a few times and looked around. Nine people were standing around him, five boys and four girls. Taehyung's breath hitched and looked at all of them.

'Wh-who are you?', Taehyung asked - he couldn't help to be scared.

'I am Suho.', the boy in front of him spoke. He was clearly older then Taehyung. All of them were older then Taehyung. The girls looked quite nervous, while the boys looked more proud.

'Why am I here?', Taehyung continued - without stuttering now.

'Isn't that obvious?', Suho spat.
Somebody flicked his ear.
'You're a hybrid.'
Taehyung stared at Suho - not realizing that two boys tied his ankles against the legs of the chair.

'Why is that a reason to-'

'You are a wild hybrid!', one of the girls said bluntly.
She slapped her hand for her mouth after she said that. She shuffled towards her friends and they looked all four at Suho and Taehyung. Taehyung knew the girl. She was in his history, her name was Wheein.

'Why is that-'

'You hurt people, you idiot!', another boy hissed.

'I have never hurt anyone.', Taehyung said.

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