「Chapter twenty-eight」

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'It's fine, mom.', Jimin sighed, wrapping a scarf around his neck. 'I'm just going to find him. His phone location is on, so I know where to find him. Yes, I will call you when I find him. Alright, bye. Love you.'
Jimin hung up and started walking down the street. Taehyung had been gone for far too long for Jimin's liking. He didn't pick up his phone and didn't reply to Jimin's messages.

As he was walking down the street, several people greeted him. A little girl who was clutching her father's hand gasped and pointed at Jimin.

'Daddy! That's the candy owner!', she gasped. 

'He's the owner of the shop, darling.', her father corrected her. 'And don't point at him, that's rude. I'm sorry.', he added, looking at Jimin.

'Oh, It doesn't matter.', Jimin chuckled, waving at the girl and continuing his way. 

When Jimin was just one street away from Taehyung's location, he started to walk a little faster. The location hadn't changed since he had been walking. An uneven feeling bubbled up in Jimin's stomach. When he arrived at the place, he looked around. Taehyung was nowhere to be seen. Jimin's ears lowered on his head. This wasn't right. Something must have happened. 

'Jimin?', Jimin turned around. He saw Jungkook and Mae walking toward him hand-in-hand. As he glanced at Jungkook's neck, he saw something which looked like a mating mark peeking from under his shirt. 'What are you doing here?', Mae asked. 'Where is Taehyung?' She wrinkled her nose after she said that as if she smelled something weird.

'I- I don't know.', Jimin replied. He ran a hand through his hair. 'He was going for a walk, but that two hours ago! I followed his location but I can't find him!' 

'That's weird.', Mae said, thinking as she did so. 'Taehyung would have let you know if he got home a little late, wouldn't he?'

'He always does.', Jimin sighed. 'I'm growing worried, I don't know what happened and if he's hurt then-'

'Hyung?', Mae and Jimin whipped their heads around to see Jungkook holding a phone in his hands. 'Isn't this Taehyung's phone?', he asked softly. Jimin snatched the phone out of Jungkook's hands. He turned it around in his hands, observing it. 

'It is.', he breathed. He looked around in worry. What if someone had taken him away? What if he was gone? What if he never comes back? 

'It smells funny here.', Mae suddenly said. 

'Like what?', Jimin asked, ready to receive any information that might help to find Taehyung. 

'It smells really chemical.', she said, stepping back a little. As a dog, Mae's sense of smell had always been better then Jungkook's or Jimin's. 'Like the person works in a laboratory or something. Like he's working with chemical stuff.', Jimin's eyes widened. He knows how that smells, he knows from what it could be. 'But- It also smells different.', Mae added. She sniffed the air and thought for a moment. 'It smells like Tae.' Mae looked at Jimin and frowned at his scarred face. 'Jimin?'

'the facility...', Jimin breathed out. 'Fuck.', Tears were prickling in Jimin's eyes, it was suddenly hard to breathe, he had to take deep breaths to calm himself down. To keep himself here and not freak out too much. Mae snatched the phone out of his hand and sniffed the back of it quickly. Then she smelled the air, and then she turned around and ran. Jungkook and Jimin were quick to follow her.

They ran through the whole city; over the roads; over the sidewalks; even over the grass when it came. Jimin began to have a stitch in his side as they continued running. Mae was fast and she could run for quite a while, even Jungkook couldn't keep up with her. Then she stopped. Jungkook arrived at her side first, leaning over to grip his knees and trying to find his breath back. Jimin arrived next to her as well. He looked at what she was looking at. 

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