「Chapter twenty-two」

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I honestly don't know what I just wrote and I think it's shit, but hey here update. I think I will publish another vmin book really soon or I will publish a spinoff of this, presumably Jungkook's spin-off with Mae, but who knows.


It was eight o'clock. Taehyung had gotten home about two hours ago, and he started to grow worried about Jimin. Jimin should have been home an hour ago, and he doesn't answer his phone. It happened a lot that Jimin gets home quite late, and Taehyung always grows worried as the time passes. But most of the time, he would get in thirty minutes late and babble about the subway being a pain in the ass.

Taehyung tried many times to call Jimin as the time passed. From eight o'clock to half-past eight, to nine o'clock. At nine, Taehyung decided to get up and look for Jimin himself. But when he was walking on the gallery, he saw an exhausted Jimin walking over, kicking some snow from his path and rubbing his eyes. When he saw Taehyung, he just fell into his arms, hugging him tightly.

'Where have you been?', Taehyung asked worriedly, rubbing Jimin's back as he took his back.

'Hmh... I had to work over.', Jimin sighed. 'I'm so tired. I missed the metro so I had to wait so long.' Taehyung sighed, relieved that Jimin was back, but also annoyed at his boss for letting him stay so long.

'Come on, baby, you need rest.', Taehyung said, trying to get Jimin to stand up.

'No.', he protested. 'Too tired. Carry me, please?', Taehyung sighed, but he lifted Jimin up anyway, carrying him in bridal style to their apartment and inside.

Taehyung made sure to cook something for Jimin and after that, he was laying on the couch with Jimin laying on him. It was more comfortable anyway, he told Taehyung.

'How was your day?', Taehyung asked, softly running his fingers through Jimin's hair.

'Shit.', Jimin answered casually, making Taehyung chuckle. 'I needed to help a newbie learning everything and he's a jackass.' Taehyung shook his head. 'Oh and an old friend of ours.' Taehyung frowned.

'Who is an old friend of ours and a jackass?', Taehyung wondered out loud. Jimin suddenly stood up and walked up the stairs.

'Suho.', he called over his shoulder.

'What?!', Taehyung jumped up and quickly ran after Jimin. 'Does he work with you?', Taehyung asked with wide eyes.

'Yes, and if there weren't any people around us, I would have murdered him already.', Jimin growled, tiny fangs showing. Taehyung smiled and back hugged Jimin as he went to brush his teeth.

'Sadly no can do, we hybrids don't have a fair chance in court.'

'Twen I'll dwo it iwn swecwet.', Jimin said while brushing his teeth already.

'With what actually? These tiny omega fangs?', Taehyung asked while tapping his chin. Jimin gave him a death glare through the mirror. 'I get it, I get it.', Taehyung chuckled and let go of Jimin. He walked to their bedroom and fell face-first into the pillows. The blankets and pillows still smelled like Jimin from this morning.



'How's your back?',

'It's itchy.', Taehyung called back. Jimin came walking into the room and sat down beside Taehyung.

'Can I see the scars? I want to see if they are healing better you scratched them open.', Taehyung chuckled and sat up. 'How the fuck did you do that anyway?'

'I don't know, I'm already surprised that I could reach that far on my back.', Taehyung chuckled. Jimin hit him on the back of his head softly. 'Sorry.'

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