「Chapter forty-eight」

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Jimin's omega was devastated by the loss of two of their pups. Not only that, but they discovered that Minsu wasn't developing any scent! It was only Soo-Hyun who already had her own scent after a month. Minsu was scentless. 

Jimin laid in bed most of the time, he needed time to recover from this awful moment in his life. He'd been carrying the pups for nine months, and suddenly they were two short. 

'Love?', Taehyung sat next to Jimin on the bed. 'Are you okay?', Jimin didn't respond. His tail was curled around his waist and his ears laid flat on his head. He gave no intention of hearing his lover. Taehyung pouted. 

He, of course, was hit with the terrible news as well- but not as badly like Jimin. He managed to do everything. He took care of their little pups and he loved the way how they developed, even though it had just been one month. Soo-Hyun smiled a lot and loved trying to grab her father's or her brother's tail. If she managed to catch her brother's tail, he would cry. But Minsu would stop crying after lots of kisses from his father. The little boy loved the affection- they both loved affection. Taehyung was happy that they at least had two little pups. It could've been worse. They could've had one... or maybe none! 

He had tried telling Jimin this, but his omega was too devastated. The candy shop was hard to run, he had to try and take care of these little pups on his own and take care of himself. 

'We're happy to help!', Yoongi smiled as he and Hoseok closed the shop for the day. 'I've heard that Byeol and Loona wanted to help as well.', Taehyung beamed. 

'They're more than welcome. How should we pay them? In sweets?', Hoseok laughed, nodding quickly. 

'Byeol will love that.', 

'Byeol loves everything you can eat.', Yoongi laughed. 'She loves meat. Like- really loves meat.',

'And Loona rather has vegetables.', Taehyung frowned and looked at the two. 

'I'm sorry- but Loona was a leopard, right?', Hoseok nodded. 

'That's what's funny about it.', Yoongi smiled. Taehyung smiled and shook his head. 'Can we... Can we see Soo-Hyun and Minsu?', Taehyung chuckled. 

'You've seen them yesterday.', Taehyung mumbled.

'But they are so adorable!', Yoongi whined. 'Please let me see them.', Funny how Yoongi never talks about kids but only when he's surrounded by kids. Probably his omega side kicking in. 

'Of course, you can see them.', Yoongi giggled and ran upstairs even before Taehyung could go up. Taehyung followed after him and he found Yoongi already standing next to the cribs, squealing over their cuteness. Whenever Taehyung was up, he'd always move the cribs to the living room, since the pups hated Jimin's sad scent. 

'I love them so much.', Yoongi smiled, Minsu holding on tightly to his fingers. 'They are adorable.', 

'They like you.', Soo-Hyun was reaching toward to grab Yoongi's hand as well. 

'They are so tiny!', Yoongi squealed. 'Oh my god...' 

'Don't you want one, hyung?', Taehyung teased. 

'Want one" As if it's something you can buy in the grocery store.', Yoongi scoffed with a roll of his eyes. He sighed and looked at little Minsu. 'No scent at all, huh.', Taehyung shook his head. 'Poor baby', he rubbed the cheek of the little tiger. 

'It only saddened Jimin even more.', Taehyung sighed. 'I have no idea how to snap him out of this state he's in.', Yoongi was silent as he stared at the little pups.

'Almost impossible.', he sighed. 'I know that's not the answer you want, but it is the truth.', Taehyung ran a hand through his hair. 'The only one who can help Jimin snap out of whatever mindset he's now- is himself.', 

'Can't I help speed it up?',

'No.', Yoongi said sternly. 'It's important for him to do it himself. So he can build up some strength for himself.', Taehyung hummed, looking at the pups.

'But he doesn't eat as well.', Taehyung mentioned. 'I make him food every day but he just doesn't accept it.', Yoongi hummed. 

'I'm sure he'll be fine in a while.', Yoongi said, smiling at Taehyung. 'I couldn't imagine how it would be to loose two pups. Can't blame him.', 

'I get why he's feeling like that! I just...- miss my Jiminie...', Taehyung said with a pout. Yoongi ruffled his hair. 'Thank you for helping out again, hyung.', He opened his arms and hugged Yoongi tightly. 

'Of course, Tae. We will always help.', Yoongi reassured him. They stayed like that for a little while, Taehyung enjoying the warmth of Yoongi. 'You call us if you need us and we will be standing on the doorstep in a minute.', 

'I will be the first to bother you, hyung.', Taehyung chuckled. Yoongi snorted and rolled his eyes. 

'We'll be going home now.', Yoongi said, petting his head. Yoongi glanced at the pups for a few more seconds as he walked toward the door. 'And I might start talking about pups with Hoseok... okay, bye!', Yoongi giggled and ran down the stairs. Taehyung smiled widely and walked after him to shut the lights. He walked back to the room and sighed falling down on the couch.

He wished he could close his eyes for a moment, but he knew that if he would he would fall asleep, and he had to feed Soo-Hyun and Minsu, and he needed to feed himself. So he groaned and got back up from the couch, getting the baby food ready. 

Soo-Hyun was just like Taehyung. She might look like Jimin, but she was just as picky, stuborn and excited as Taehyung- with a extra bit of picky. She hated almost everything he tried to feed her. Misnu, did not care at all, his only condition was that he got food. He really didn't care what he ate, he just wanted food. 

When Taehyung put the pups in their respective beds, he shut all the lights and changed. He laid down next to Jimin and sighed. He could finally close his eyes. 

Wanting to sleep but not getting some sleep was also a problem of Taehyung. He wished he could sleep but his body just didn't want to shut down. He groaned, rubbing his eyes. He felt Jimin move next to him. 

'Hello love.', he said quietly, wrapping his arms around him and kissing the crown of his head. 'Soo-Hyun and Minsu were very calm today. I think it was because of Yoongi-hyung. He loved them... I think he wants pups as well, but just one or two. Not like a lot.' He nuzzled into jimin's neck. 'I hope you can come back soon so you can experience our moments with the pups. I know they will love you.', Jimin shifted again, making Taehyung loosen his grip around him. Jimin turned around, hugging Taehyung as well. Taehyung kissed Jimin's forehead and Jimin nuzzled into Taehyung. 'I love you, baby.', 

It was silent.

'Love you too...', Taehyung smiled brightly. At least he got a little bit out of him.



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