「Chapter eighteen」

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Moonbyul bought to two home safely. She had to return quickly to help her sisters with the cafe, but she didn't go until she send Jimin the foto of the guy in front of the cafe. Jimin thanked her and walked inside his house with Taehyung. Taehyung hadn't said a word since they left the cafe.

'Taehyung-ah?', Jimin stood in front of his boyfriend and cupped his cheeks carefully to make him look at him. Taehyung looked down at Jimin, but his usual happy, sparkly eyes were gone. They were empty. He looked at Jimin with no emotion on his face. Jimin didn't really know what to do. He had never met someone who had a reaction like this. 'Do you want something to drink?', he asked softly. Taehyung shook his head slightly. 'Do you want anything to eat?' Again he shook his head. Jimin kept looking at Taehyung, he started to feel empty himself. It was hard to see such an important person in his life this sad and scared. 'Do you want to lay down for a moment? Sleep maybe?', Taehyung nodded. 'You want to sleep? Alright, come on.' Jimin took Taehyung's hand gently and brought him to his room.

When Jimin opened the door to his room, he took off Taehyung's coat - which he was still wearing - and threw it on a chair in the corner of the room. Taehyung walked to the bed and sat down, untying his shoes as if he was on auto-mode. Jimin now noticed that Taehyung's tail was wrapped around his waist, something he would do when he was scared. Jimin threw his own coat onto Taehyung's and walked to his boyfriend. He ran his hand gently through Taehyung's hair and stroked his ears. Taehyung's ears twitched a little and he raised his head slightly. He then wrapped his arms around Jimin's waist and pulled him close, placing his head on his stomach. Jimin placed a kiss on Taehyung's head and stroked his hair.

'I love you, baby.', Jimin whispered softly. Taehyung didn't reply, he only held Jimin tighter in his arms. 'You should sleep, you'll feel better I think.' Taehyung nodded, not letting him go yet. After a few seconds, he did. His arms fell beside him and he looked up at Jimin. Jimin could cry; Taehyung was sad, it made him sad and he looked so empty. Taehyung tore his eyes away from him though, and he laid down on the bed. Jimin threw the blanket over Taehyung and was about to crawl in bed next to him when he thought about something. 'Do you want me to stay?', Jimin asked. It could be that Taehyung felt uncomfortable with sleeping next to Jimin at the moment, he could imagine he would. But Taehyung just turned to Jimin and reached for him. Jimin nodded, he crawled in bed next to Taehyung but didn't hold him like he always did. He just laid next to him and looked at him. After a few seconds, Jimin turned off the lights - it was still dark because they forgot to open the curtains that morning. Jimin laid back down and looked at Taehyung. He didn't close his eyes, he was looking back at Jimin. He gently took Jimin's hand, trying to comfort him, while Jimin thought he had to comfort him! This wasn't right. Jimin raised their hands to his lips and kissed the back of Taehyung's hand. He looked back at him. Taehyung's eyes were watery and his lips were slightly apart.

'Hold me please?', he asked then, his voice soft and a little shaky.

Jimin didn't say anything, he just scooted closer to Taehyung and held him gently. Taehyung sighed happily and snuggled into Jimin's neck. Jimin rubbed Taehyung's back and held him as close as he could. Taehyung shook slightly, he was sniffing. When something wet hit Jimin's neck he realized Taehyung was crying.

'Tae, wha-'

'I'm so sorry.', he whispered. 'I'm sorry for not being the best boyfriend. I'm so sorry, I just didn't expect him to be there and I was scared and I'm sorry.'

'You don't have to be sorry for being scared.', Jimin said quickly. 'You don't have to be sorry for anything. You're the best for me anyway.' It was silent for a few moments.

'I'm sorry for being broken...',

'Tae!', Jimin looked at Taehyung's face. He avoided any eye-contact with Jimin. Jimin unwrapped his arm from Taehyung and whipped the tears from his cheeks. He held his cheek and pecked his forehead. 'You aren't broken, that stupid facility just-' Jimin sighed and shook his head. 'Forget it! I will protect you! I will make sure that the people who did this to you will go into jail. It's horrible what they did and they will not go unpunished for this.' Taehyung chuckled breathlessly.

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