「Chapter forty-six」

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Taehyung turned around from the kitchen. He expected to see his husband in the doorway, but that turned out to be wrong. 

'Baby?', Taehyung put out the gas and walked toward the bedroom. 'Are you okay?', Jimin laid on the bed, messaging his temples and squeezing his eyes shut. 'Jiminie?'

'I have a stinging headache.', he whined. 'It won't go away.' Taehyung laid down next to him and pulled him close, putting his hands on Jimin's belly and kissing his forehead. 

'I'm sorry baby.', Taehyung said. 'But it's Sunday, the store doesn't open today.', Jimin hummed. 'Should I make pancakes for you?',

'Please.', Taehyung gave him another big kiss and ran a hand through his hair. 

'Think of the beautiful pups we'll get in a while.', Taehyung whispered. 'Remember the names we thought off?', Jimin smiled widely. 

'Soo-Hyun, Minjae, Yuna and Minsu.', Jimin said with a smile. 'Yes, I remember.' Taehyung smiled widely, his tail wrapping around Jimin's thigh. 

'Good.', he kissed Jimin's cheeks and snuggled close to him. 'I'm going to make breakfast for you.', He kissed Jimin a few more times and then stood up to walk to the kitchen. 

The morning went by quickly. They didn't need to open the store, since it was Sunday. So Taehyung was doing the boring stuff of owning a shop; the administration. Taehyung's fingers started to feel sore because of all the typing. His mind was totally blank. So blank, that he didn't even hear Jimin talking to him at first. He had to tap him on the shoulder to make him look around. 

'Taehyung...', he sounded stressed, his tail was wrapped around his thigh and ear pressed back against his head. He also smelled very stressed. 

'What's wrong?', Taehyung asked, his attention immediately on Jimin. 

'It hurts.', Jimin breathed out. 'I don't- I don't think this is right.', Taehyung couldn't really process what was going on.

'Wh-what? What do you mean?', 

'The pups!', Taehyung's eyes widened. He stared at Jimin for a few seconds.

'Do you think it's time?', Taehyung gasped as he jumped up. He quickly ran to the bedroom to get the bag that had been prepared for a very long time.  He put on his shoes and got the most easy to put on shoes for Jimin, together with his jacket.

'It can't be.', Jimin whined. 'It's way too early.', 

'Well... with four pups... everything is possible', He put the shoes on Jimin's feet and draped the jacket over his shoulders, helping him get up from the chair. He guided Jimin down to the front and closed the door, getting into the car. Jimin was breathing heavily now, and Taehyung's panic started to rise. What if something was wrong with the pups? Oh god... No, no, it couldn't be. Both Jimin and Taehyung were extremely healthy and were so careful with everything they did. Taehyung couldn't imagine how something would be wrong with the pups. 

'Fuck! Taehyung, watch your goddamn speed!', he drove twenty miles too fast. 

'Sorry.', he quickly slowed down. Jimin wiped a layer of sweat of his forehead. 

'The last thing I'd want is a car accident.', he said with a lighthearted chuckle. That managed to put a little smile on Taehyung's face. His heart was racing, his mind driving on overspeed with all the things that flew through his mind, the possibility of what could be happening right now. 

They arrived at the hospital ten minutes earlier than if Taehyung kept to the actual speedlimit. Taehyung got out, grabbed the bag and than helped Jimin get out of the car. He had to support Jimin's walking because his legs felt like jelly. 

Taehyung didn't know how fast everything went, but soon, they arrived at the emergency room. Jimin breathed heavily, his ears twitching and hands pressed on his belly. It didn't help that a few lovely people were shouting cursewords at their heads because they were hybrids. 

'Imma kill them.', Taehyung growled as they continued. But Jimin grabbed his arm tightly and pulled him back. 

'You're staying here.', Jimin said simply. 'I don't want to go to another court love, thanks, but no thanks.', Taehyung grumbled, glaring at the guys who were waiting with their friend to get a room first. But they got their karma soon enough. 

'Good afternoon.', A nurse soon joined the two. 'There is a room free for you, sweetheart. Don't worry, everything will be alright. Could you just follow me?', Taehyung wanted to stick his tongue out to the man, but he didn't. Sadly... he should've done it. 

They were soon in a room with a doctor by their side. 

'Do you feel any need to push?', the doctor asked Jimin. Jimin thought.

'Yes and no... I don't know if that makes sense...', Jimin ran a hand through his hair. 'When it started I didn't, but now I kinda do...',

'And how many weeks pregnant are you?', 


'that would be a little too soon for the babies to come...',

'But he's an hybrid!', Taehyung exclaimed. 'Our doctor said that the pups might come earlier and if anything feels wrong we should go to the hospital because so many things could go wrong.', The doctor nodded, looking from Jimin to Taehyung.

'And how many pups were you two expecting?', 

'Four.', the husbands chorused. The doctor whistled.

'And you couldn't give to of the pups to him?', the doctor smiled at Jimin, nodding at Taehyung. Jimin chuckled.

'I wish I could.', Taehyung pouted. 

'I mean I get it though...', Taehyung admitted. 'But is it possible for the pups to come?', the doctor was silent for a while, but then nodded slowly. 

'Since the pushing feeling is now starting to come... I do think it is time.', Taehyung's ears perked up, but Jimin just groaned.

'I have been dreading this moment for so long...', 


'I need to push out four of those devils!', Jimin snarled. 'What do you expect?!', Taehyung smiled sheepishly.

'Whoops, I guess.', he shrugged. 

'I will go and get some more nurses.', the doctor announced. 'We expect the pups to come today.', 








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