「Chapter forty-nine」

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'THEY ARE SO ADORABLE! OH MY GOD!', So Taehyung thought Nina would be the one coming in screaming to look at his pups, but it turned out that it was Jungkook. He was squealing as he saw the little pups and was talking to them in a high-pitched voice, which Taehyung had never heard before. Nina came walking in with the little white bunny they had found weeks ago as they left their wedding. 

'Taehyung-ah, please meet Siyeon.',  Nina said with a smile. The white bunny - Siyeon - was asleep on Nina's shoulder, her bunny ears slumped over and one catching on Nina's puppy ears. 'Siyeon is now our adopted daughter.', Taehyung stared at her with wide eyes. 

'Excuse me?', Nina smiled widely.

'Don't ask me how this happened. I have no idea.', she laughed. 'Nobody could find her parents and she would have to go to an orphanage- and we just couldn't do that. And she got so attached to Jungkook already. So after a very long talk, we decided we would take her in.', Taehyung was still staring at her, but slowly a smile crept upon his face.

'Oh my god- she's adorable!', he finally said, looking closely at the small girl. To his surprise, Nina took a step back.

'I really, really don't mean to be offensive Taehyung but she was already afraid of me; a dog hybrid- I don't want to know how badly she'll freak out after she meets a tiger. She refuses to meet Namjoon yet so I don't really know...'

'Oh no! Poor bunny.', Taehyung pouted but put a step back. 'You can put her on the couch or one of the chairs if you'd like to.', 

'Please- my arms are aching!', Taehyung grabbed the pillows from the couch and placed them on one of their large chairs so Siyeon could lay comfortably on the chair. 

'How old is she?', Taehyung asked, staying a reasonable distance away from Siyeon - in case she did woke up and scared herself to death. 

'Just four.', Nina said. She made sure Siyeon was laying comfortably and that her ears weren't in any weird position and turned back to Taehyung. She looked a lot... better than last time. All her bags under her eyes are gone and her legs and arms started to tone - you could see that she was an alpha for sure with those muscles. This brought Taehyung to their latest talk about this.

'Have you decided yet?', he asked. 

'Decided what?', 

'If you want to change your sub-gender to an omega?', 

Getting rejected for a company just because you were an alpha hybrid must have sucked for her. She worked so hard to get the chance to become a trainee, many years, but once they found out she was an alpha, they rejected her. Of course, all her insecurities and doubts about being an alpha came right back up after that. Nina leaned on the table, looking at Taehyung. Taehyung was aware that Jungkook was listening closely, even though he did not show this. 

'I am not going to change my sub-gender.', Nina finally said. 'I will keep trying to get into a group. Getting rejected because of that sucks, but I'm sure there are a few companies who look at talent and not at my gender.', Nina smiled at Taehyung before adding; 'Also Siyeon said my scent is calming like a real mother so I won't change it.', She giggled happily and then skipped back to Jungkook to look at the pups. 'Another thing-', she looked back at Taehyung. Oh, she had not changed a bit. 'A group that is about to debut already reached out to me. They said they saw my talent and would like to invite me to a talk. So I said yes. I'm going this weekend.', 

Taehyung smiled widely and looked back at Siyeon. Her hybrid side was showing a bit more than Jungkook. Whereas he had just ears and a tail, Siyeon's skin was discolored in some places. Her chocolate brown skin got disrupted by some white spots. The girl moved a little in her sleep and then raised her hands to rub her eyes. The girl sat up and looked around the room. Immediately after she caught Taehyung, the girl froze, her eyes blown wide and ears pressed back against her head in fear. Oh right, he was staring at her. This was not a good idea. He turned around quickly and walked toward the kitchen.

'I scared your daughter I'm so sorry.', he mumbled as he opened the door. 'Anyway- do you want something to drink?!', Jungkook laughed, shaking his head. Nina smiled and walked toward Siyeon. Siyeon sat on her knees and raised her hands, indicating that she wants to get lifted. 

'Siyeonie, love; this is Taehyungie.', Nina said, sitting in the chair with the girl - they easily fit there. Siyeon wrapped her arms around her quickly, sitting on her lap. 'And Taehyung is a friend.', Siyeon shook her head.  'He is. He's very nice. Taehyung has a husband, did you know? His husband is a cat.', Siyeon was now looking at Nina with wide eyes.

'but he's basically a bigger version of a cat.', she mumbled, her brows frowning. Taehyung melted at the little girl's voice.

'Oh my god, I can't wait for Soo-Hyun and Minsu to say their first words.', he giggled. Siyeon frowned again. 

'Who are Soo-Hyun and Minsu?', she asked quietly. Nina was quick to lift the girl up and walk to their beds. 'Could you take Siyeon for a sec?', Jungkook took Siyeon in her arms and looked with her at the little pups - she was in awe. Nina turned to Taehyung. 'Is it okay if I go say hi to Jimin?', she asked. 

'Sure, but I can't promise he'll respond.', Taehyung said. 'The only word I've gotten out of him was "hey", or "okay".' He was silent for a moment. 'And an "I love you".' he beamed. Nina smiled.

'At least better than nothing!', she said, ruffling Taehyung's messy hair. She skipped toward the bedroom, knocking on it and silently opening the door. 

Nina stood in the dark room and shuffled quietly toward the bed. She sat down and looked at Jimin. He was curled up into a ball, his ears pressed against his head. 

'Hi Jiminie.', she said quietly. He hummed. 'Are you okay love?', Jimin hummed. 'We kinda miss you, but take the time you need, since- C-can I touch your ears.', Jimin hummed again. Nina smiled and carefully scratched his ears. 'take the time you need. It must be hard.', Jimin was silent for a few moments.

'I hate this...', he said quietly. 'I hate feeling like this.', 

'I can imagine, love.', Nina sighed. 'But take the t-'

'I don't want to take my time.', he groaned. 'I want to take care of my pups and my husband...', it was silent for a moment. 'Tomorrow I'm getting out of fucking bed...'


: )

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