「Chapter twenty-one」

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{Time skip one year later}

It was quiet in the apartment. It was dark and it seemed like nobody had been there for a while now. 

'God damn it, I missed home.', The door got thrown open and Jimin ran into his apartment. He fell backward on the couch and sighed deeply. Taehyung was the one who bought in the bags and the suitcase they had with them. But he was as lazy as Jimin so he just threw them to the side so they could unpack them later. He walked toward Jimin and simply fell onto his mate, giggling as Jimin huffed and tried to push him off. 

'Get off, you're heavy.', Jimin said. 

'Nah, you're warm.', Taehyung said with a smile. 

Jimin snorted. He pulled the beanie off Taehyung's head to give him a loving kiss between his ears. Taehyung's usually blue hair had changed. He now had black, curly hair. Jimin's hair had still a peachy like color, but he wanted to dye it as well. Taehyung smiled. 

'Paris was lovely.', Jimin said as he carefully petted Taehyung's ears. 'Thank you.', 

'No problem, love.', Taehyung mumbled. 'I love you.' 

'I love you too.', Jimin told him. 

Before they could relax a little bit more, the doorbell rang. Taehyung groaned and stood up, pulling Jimin with him from the couch. It was cold outside, there had been a lot of snow, more than last year. Jimin walked with Taehyung to the door as he took off his coat and beanie to put on the coatrack. He helped to take of Taehyung's as well, giggling as he did so. Taehyung walked to the door and opened it. 

'Surprise!', the cheerful voice of Mae sounded through the apartment. She hugged Taehyung tightly with the widest smile on her face. 'Happy birthday, Taehyung-ah.' she smiled.

'My birthday was like a week ago.', Taehyung snorted.

'You two were to Paris, how on earth could I congratulate you while you were in Paris?', Mae said in a "matter-of-fact" tone. She let go of Taehyung only to walk to Jimin and engulf him in a hug as well. 'Hello, Jiminie.'

'Hi, sweetheart.', Jimin said with a smile. The two of them had gotten along very well the last year, better than in the beginning. Nina was followed by Seokjin and Jungkook. 

'Jimin! I'm having an audition next month.', Mae told him excitedly as she jumped up and down. 

'An audition for what?', Jimin asked with a raised eyebrow. 

'She wants to be a trainee at WA entertainment.', Seokjin informed Jimin, after congratulating Taehyung himself. 'Are we coming at an unpleasant time?', he asked afterward, eyeing the bags and suitcase in the room. 

'No, no, it's fine.', Jimin said quickly. 'Go sit down, I'm sure we have something to drink. Well, at least I hope so.' Jimin walked to their kitchen, looking to Jungkook as he did so. The bunny looked way more confident than last year, his hair now slightly longer than the last time. Jimin was proud of Jungkook how he had gotten more confidence in himself. Seokjin looked the same as always, but still handsome. Mae had changed a little bit. She was still her cheery, hyperactive self, but now more confident as she started as a trainee. For example, she was walking to the sofa while dancing "Yes or Yes". Jungkook followed her and he chuckled as she turned around and booped his nose. As Jimin opened the refrigerator he was relieved to see still had some drinks in it. After checking quickly if they were still good, he got them out and grabbed a few glasses. He jumped slightly as he felt a hand on his waist. Taehyung giggled and hugged Jimin tightly, pressing his face into Jimin's neck. 

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