「Chapter twenty-nine」

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Jimin had fainted.

When he had felt a burning feeling he had fainted. First, the feeling was only on his neck, on his mark. But then it had spread over his entire body. And he couldn't handle that much, so Jimin's vision had gone black and he had fainted.

When he awoke, he was laying in a soft bed with the sheets covering him. He recognised Jungkook's and Mae's scent almost immediately, meaning he would be in their house. Jimin got up and quickly threw the sheets off him. He ran out of the room and to their livingroom. When he arrived there, everyone was there.

Seokjin and Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi, Mae and Jungkook and...- his mother.

'Jimin!', She immediately walked toward him and embraced him. 'Jimin what happened?', Jimin shook his head, burying his face in his mother's shoulders, breathing in the oh-so-familiar scent he had lived with all his life and always could calm him down. She carefully stroked Jimin's hair, staying silent.

'So.', Mae spoke after a few seconds. 'What we were saying- We think Taehyung has been taken by the facility.'

'How do you know?', Yoongi asked with a frown on his face.

'Jimin recognized the smell and Mae followed the scent to the woods.', Jungkook continued. 'We think the facility is somewhere in the woods.'

A silence fell in the room, Hoseok looked a little uncomfortable and Seokjin seemed like he was thinking. Yoongi and Namjoon glanced at each other. Jimin let go of his mother and rubbed his eyes.

'And what...- should we do?', Seokjin asked after the silence.

'We should bust in there and take Tae back!', Jimin spat. 'I don't know what could happen to him, we need to get him out of there as fast as-'

'No!', Seokjin shouted quickly. 'Mae, Joon, none of you is going into that facility, alright?', he looked from Mae to Namjoon. Although Seokjin knew that he was nothing more then Namjoon's boyfriend/mate and that he couldn't tell him what to do, he needed to be sure that Namjoon wouldn't burst in there. But as Namjoon nodded, he let out a relieved breath. He glanced at Mae, who nodded as well.

'Why no?!', Jimin asked with disbelief on his face, his ears perked up. 'We have to save him!'

'They experiment on hybrids, Jimin!', Seokjin said clearly. 'I'm not sending them in there.' Jimin looked at Yoongi, who's ears pressed back on his head and looked with shame to the ground. Hoseok wrapped an arm around Yoongi's shoulder and pulled him closer to him. Jungkook's ears drooped as nobody thought of him. But Mae quickly wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head against his back. Jungkook covered one of his hands over Mae's and stroked it with his thump. 'Of course, we won't.', Seokjin continued.
Jimin ran a hand through his hair.

'Then I'll go in!', he insisted.

'Absolutely not.', his mother spoke quickly. 'I'm not losing my only family for this!'

'I have to!', Jimin said, turning to his mother, the tears already in his eyes. 'I can't live without Taehyung! I can't! It makes me crazy a-and I feel not complete anymore an-and I'm not myself without him by my side and-' Jimin has gripped his hair tightly, choking on several sobs as he tried to talk. A few tears ran over his cheeks as he tried to calm down.

'Alright, how about a warm cup of tea, Jimin?', Mae quickly rushes over to him and guided him to their kitchen where she set up the kettle with water on the stove. Jimin leaned against the kitchen counter, biting his full bottom lip to not burst out into sobs. Mae walked toward him and placed her hand on his back, rubbing it quietly. 'Do you want to tell me how you feel?', she asked softly. Jimin stayed quiet for a few more seconds, trying to get himself together and not burst out crying the second he opened his mouth.

'I feel empty.', Jimin mumbled. 'I feel like there is a part of me missing. Like I'm not complete, and it hurts. The thought that he might now ever come back to me hurts so, so, so bad.' He bit his lip, a tear rolling down his face. 'I want him back. I can't live without him.' With that, he buried his face in his hands and burst out sobbing.


They hadn't returned Taehyung to a room. He still sat there in the chair. His arms tied to the chair and a muzzle in front of his mouth, so he couldn't bite again. Taehyung had the feeling the blood had dried up upon his skin. He had tried to take off the muzzle, but that didn't work He didn't even have his hands to use. The doctor was looking at Taehyung, his eyes squinting close a little. Another one of his people was dying Taehyung's hair back to blue.

'Three years...', the doctor sighed. 'For three years you were gone. But... in the time you were gone, I've made the perfect serum. I kept if, for you, I waited for your return.' Taehyung glared at the doctor from underneath the hair which fell in front of his eyes. 'We've lost many vulnerable heats...', the doctor sighed. 'And I have to do something about that mark.'

'I dare you!', Taehyung hissed, leaning forward him. 'If you dare to remove my mark I will kill everyone in this facility.', the doctor scoffed, rolling his eyes.

'You wouldn't get the chance.', he chuckled. 'I want him in heat as soon as possible. Please get my injections ready.', he added, looking at the other doctor. She nodded and walked away. Taehyung's hair was wet. He shook it out of his face and looked down at the ground. He grith his teeth. He seemed strong in front of him, but he wasn't. He felt like he could cry, but he wouldn't. Jimin would tell him to stay strong. He closed his eyes and thought of Jimin's beautiful smile whenever he was happy or when he looked at Taehyung... Even though he wasn't here with him, Jimin would help him get through this.


So I've gotten a lot of messages asking me if I can make the partly sex scenes full, and here is my answer; I won't.

Why? Because I feel really uncomfortable doing so.

That's why.



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