「Chapter twenty-three」

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Jimin was panting. He was gripping the sheets tightly. Taehyung was hovering above him, smirking. He leaned down and bit the mating mark. Jimin jolted up and moaned. A little bit of blood dribbled down Jimin's skin. 

'T-Tae...', he panted, now gripping Taehyung's shoulders. 

Taehyung bit down harder and Jimin winced. He gripped Taehyung's shoulders harshly, his knuckles turning white. 

'Tae, it hurts.', Jimin breathed out, trying to push him away. Taehyung released his jaw and instantly smashed their lips together. Jimin moaned. He tasted the bitter and iron taste of blood and he winced again. Jimin's skin was on fire, his head was pounding and he felt like he was floating. Taehyung was breathing heavily through his mouth, pleasing Jimin in every way which was possible. He was furious, the earlier encounter with Suho made him feel angry and he wasn't really thinking straight. {Because he isn't lol} He didn't realize that he was pinning Jimin down harshly, biting him and hurting him. It made him feel animalistic. Something he had never felt before and it was weird, but it was also good in a way. Jimin whimpered as Taehyung started kissing the mark again. 'Alpha...', he breathed out. Taehyung's eyes widened and he looked at Jimin. 

'Say it again.', he demanded. Jimin just whined and tried to look away. 'Say it again.', Taehyung repeated, kissing the skin underneath Jimin's ear. 'Please.' 


Taehyung growled. He leaned down again and bit Jimin's shoulder again. Jimin let out a scream and jolted. 


'Jimin?', Jimin was slowly dozing off in Taehyung's arms. He was surrounded by warm water and it was very comfortable, especially when now he was with Taehyung. Taehyung had made him a bath and Jimin demanded that Taehyung would join him, which he did a little reluctantly. Jimin's shoulder hadn't stopped bleeding and Taehyung had to bandage it carefully so it wouldn't infect. But Jimin didn't mind him. It hurt when Taehyung bit him, yes, but if that meant that Taehyung's soft hands would tend to the wound, he didn't mind. Jimin looked up at Taehyung, he was now laying in his arms and he was comfortable. 


'Are you okay?', Taehyung asked, nuzzling his face into Jimin's hair. Jimin smiled. 

'I am, don't worry, Tae-tae.', Jimin said with a smile. 'Are you though? You seem rather tense. Is it because of Suho?', Taehyung didn't say anything, which was enough for Jimin. 'Taehyung, he can't steal me from you.', Jimin reassured him. 'We're mated, you can't just force that apart. It's special, we have a bound. We are ment to be. You know?' 

'There is a way to force mates apart!', Taehyung exclaimed. 'I saw it on television. They've invented a serum so they can break mates by force!' 

'Well, there is also another way to break a bound.', Jimin said, thinking out loud. 'When both of them agree with it then the bound could break.' 

'What won't happen to us right?', Taehyung asked a tint of fear in his voice. Jimin giggled and kissed the palm of Taehyung's hand.

'Of course not.', Jimin said. 'We are going to run a sweetshop together. And when we have the time and the shop runs well, we could...- if you'd agree to that...- adopt a kid maybe? A-and you know, live happily after after?', Jimin looked up, rather hopefull to Taehyung. Taehyung's eyes glittered. 

'I would love too.', he said, nuzzling into Jimin's hair again. Jimin giggled. 'It has to be a girl though.' Jimin started to laugh by that sudden wish of Taehyung.

'Why a girl?', Jimin asked, looking up at Taehyung. 'We need another boy in our house.'

'Nah, we need some girls into this house.', Taehyung argued back. 'Yuna would be a beautiful name.', he said quickly before Jimin could say something. 

'It would.', Jimin said thoughtfully. 'But Minjae would be a beautiful name as well. But, if we would adopt a boy, Minsu!' 

'Or Soo-hyun!' 

'I don't care! If we adopt a kid! I want one.'

'I want one as well, so don't worry.' 

'That's settled then!', Jimin decided. 'You can't take it back, too bad!' Taehyung smiled.

'Don't worry, I won't.', Taehyung said. 


'Taehyung, can you cook something for me?', Jimin asked the next day, swaying back and forth. 

'What do you want?', Taehyung asked. 

'Surprise me.', Jimin said, biting his lip and looking at Taehyung. Taehyung raised an eyebrow and looked back at Jimin. He was wearing his hoodie and he was almost disappearing in it. He put on the hood and smirked playfully at Taehyung. Taehyung tsked and turned back to the kitchen. Jimin smiled. He laid down on the couch and sighed with a smile lingering on his face. then his phone started to vibrate. He sat up and took his phone. It was his mother. 

'Hi mom.'

'Hello Jimin.' Jimin frowned, she rarely called him by his name like that; most of the time it would be "darling", "dear", or sometimes even "baby". 

'Is there something wrong?', Jimin asked, his hand running through his hair. His mother sighed. 'Mom? What's wrong?' 

'Jimin, I'm sorry I couldn't come tell you this face to face...', she said. 

'Mom, what's going on?', Jimin asked sharply. Taehyung turned with a frown to Jimin. 'Are you okay?' 

'Dear, it's your father.', she said. Jimin grew silent. He waited for his mother to talk, but she didn't say anything. 

'What's wrong with him?', Jimin asked. 

'Jimin, your father passed away in his sleep tonight.' 

Jimin's eyes widened. He grew silent. A loud noise echoed through his head. He felt hot. His heart was pounding. 

'W-what?', The tears were already prickling in his eyes. 'N-no, this isn't true...' Jimin mumbled to himself. 'I- I must be dreaming.'

'I'm so sorry dear, but you aren't.', 

'No.', Jimin said, his voice shaking and the lump in his throat growing. 'No. No! No! I won't believe it! I won't.' With great force, Jimin threw his phone to the other side of the room. He slid off the couch and hid his face in his hands. 'No, no, no, no, this can't be happening.', he screamed. Taehyung quickly rushed toward him and gathered him in his arms. 'It can't be happening.', the rage in Jimin's voice disappeared, he gripped Taehyung's shirt and he was already a sobbing mess. 'Please, P-please tell me it isn't true, Tae-tae. I'm dreaming, right? Right?' Taehyung was clueless but he shook his head.

'You aren't dreaming, Jimin, I'm sorry.' Jimin's breathing got unsteady. He breathed heavily, before letting out wails of sadness. Taehyung held Jimin tightly, not knowing what was going on, but he had a pretty good idea of what was. 

'H-he can't b-be.', Jimin sobbed. 'H-he h-h-has to b-b-be here. I-I want him t-to see us. I want him to hold m-my future k-kid. Taehy-hyung why does it hurt so much?' 


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