「Chapter thirty-seven」

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Jimin was sitting on a chair in the police station. His tail was wrapped around his waist in worry, his ears pressed back. He looked down every time an officer walked by and gave him a filthy look. He had called Namjoon and Seokjin, just because he needed to have someone here while he waited. The doors opened soon enough, showing Seokjin and Namjoon, both seemingly worried.

'Jimin, what happened?', Seokjin asked sharply, quickly walking toward him.

'Taehyung got arrested!', Jimin said, jumping up and gripping Seokjin's arm tightly. 'I don't know what happened, he just got arrested and- oh...', Jimin was still gripping Seokjin's arm, but his face softened when he saw two little girls. One was standing next to Namjoon, while the other hid behind his legs in shyness. He looked a little cueless at the two, but then at Seokjin questioningly.

'Jimin, these are our two daughters.', Seokjin said - even with this situation, a smile spread on his lips as he talked about the two new family members. The girl standing next to Namjoon smiled at Jimin and stepped toward him, her hand outstretched, waiting for Jimin to take it.

'Good afternoon, sir.', she said, beaming as she said so. 'I'm Kim Byeol. Nice to meet you.', Jimin shook her hand, still a little confused. The girl her long black hair was braided in two braids which fell down over her shoulders. As she smiled it seemed like her eyes smiled with her.

'I-its nice to meet you as well.', Jimin said, stuttering a little. He looked at Seokjin, who could only smile despite the situation. 'My name is Jimin.'

'Would you like me to call you sir, or can I call you Jimin?', Byeol asked, her head tilting a little. Jimin chuckled.

'you can just call me Jimin.', Jimin confirmed.

'Loona, don't be shy now.', Namjoon said, glancing at the girl who was still hiding behind his legs. 'Jimin is nice. He's a hybrid too, you see?', the girl peeked around Namjoon's legs to glance at Jimin. Her hair was blonde, and out of it, two little leopard ears poked out. Her small tail was wrapped around her leg in fear. Her eyes were wide, so brown it was almost black. She was looking a little nervous at Jimin, but then her eyes caught the two ears on his head. She shyly shuffled away from Namjoon and went to Jimin, her gaze fixed on the floor.

'I-its nice to meet you.', she said softly. 'I'm Kim Loona.',

'Loona, baby, when you introduce yourself to someone, what do we do?', Seokjin asked, crossing his arms. Loona didn't move for a moment, but then she looked at Jimin.

'I- I am Loona.', she said again, voice much quieter now.

'Why so shy?', Jimin chuckled, crouching down to be at Loona's height. She looked a little afraid still, ready to shuffle away from Jimin. But Byeol put an arm over her shoulders and smiled at her sister. Loona fidgeted with her hands a little, her ears pressing back.

'She isn't used to get so much attention.', Byeol told Jimin, her gaze confident. Jimin chuckled lightly.

'You are cute.', Jimin said, wanting to tap the girl's chin, but deciding against it. Loona giggled shyly.

'I like your ears.', Loona then said.

'I like your ears as well, darling.', Jimin said. She giggled, put her hands in front of her face and put her head on her sister's shoulder.

'They are twins.', Seokjin said. Jimin stood up again, frowning at Seokjin.

'But how is that possible?', Jimin asked, glancing at both of the girls again. 'Loona is a hybrid and Byeol...'

'I know.', Seokjin said. 'It's a miracle. But they are our little miracles now.', he added, placing a hand on his chest. Namjoon chuckled, ruffling both of the girls their hair. Jimin smiled at the interaction, not being able to wait to adopt his little miracles. 'But Jimin...', Seokin said, much more serious now. 'Taehyung got arrested?', Jimin turned to Seokjin, his face falling again.

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