Chapter 13

630 15 1

July 15, 2014


I woke up and reached over for my phone, but hit a face instead. My eyes shot open and my body stiffened, but I relaxed when I realized that it was just Hayes.

I slowly crept out of his bed, and made my way into cams room. He was sitting on his bed eating cereal.

"Cam, can you call or text Vic for me and tell her to come over?" I asked him. He looked my way and raised an eyebrow.

"What happened to your phone?" He asked, taking another bite of his cereal.

"Well Georgia died.." I sighed. "I got mad and threw my phone"  He frantically put his cereal onto a near bedside table.

"No, no. I didn't mean to make you cry! Come here," I hadn't realized I was crying until he said it, and then I felt a warm tear slide down my cheek. I sat on his lap.

"Yes I'll text Vic, but first, we need some fran & cam time! " he picked me up and brought me into my room.

" get ready, we're going to the mall!" He squealed, like girl would. Before walking out, he picked up my phone, frowned, and walked out. I can tell he's trying to be strong for me. He was friends with Georgia, despite the age differences. When she visited, and I had school, he hung out with her.

I took a shower while playing music, and singing. After I got out, I walked into my closet and looked for an outfit.

I decided on leggings, a loose baby blue t shirt that said " Can you not? Thanks." On it, I also thew on some bracelets to cover my cuts. Yes it is summer, but the scars on my thighs are not completely faded yet.

I threw on a pair of back sandals. I ran out the door and downstairs. I decided to skip breakfast, because remembering Georgia being dead, makes me lose my appetite. I called cam down, and we walked out to Nash's car.

I got in the passengers seat and buckled up. I put on the radio, and found a good station. Louis tomlimsons angelic voice flooded through the speakers.

   I have loved you since we were 18.
Long before we both thought the same thing.

To be loved and to be in love.

I sang along, ruining the angelic voices of the actual singers, but oh well. Cam always told me that he loves my voice.. but I believe that because he's my brother, he's forced to be nice and give me compliments. I actually suck.

I sang the rest of the song, and when I finished we were just pulling up to the mall. I didn't know they lived this close to it. Well, that probably because I havent even excited the house besides the backyard and therapy since I got here.

Cameron threw on his sunglasses and snapback, attempting not to get noticed by fans.

Me and cam hopped out of the car and walked into the main entrance of the mall. We looked at the maps, and headed to Hollister.

I was so excited! I haven't been shopping In so long.

"Pick up the pace! You're walking like you have one leg!" I scolded Cameron.

We got to Hollister, and when I walked in, I was already overwhelmed. There goes my excitement. I hate big crowds.

As I make my way through the store, I feel like everyone's eyes are on me, even though I know that they aren't. Every section of the store is packed. I tugged on my big brothers sleeve and asked him if I could wait outside the store, and if he could pick me up a few things if he knew i would like them.

He nodded and told me to be safe.

I made my way through the crowd, and eventually made it outside of the store. I took a deep breath, calming myself down. If you were wondering, I get mini panic attacks when I'm around a lot of people, because I feel like they are judging me.

I didn't know what to do, so I reached into my back pocket for my phone. 


I don't have a phone. I instantly frowned, thinking of my best friend.

"OH MY GOD ITS FRANCESCA DALLAS!" A girl around My age yelled, while pointing at me in amazement. Her friends and her all left their mothers and surrounded me. I started breathing heavily, and the group of 4 girls instantly backed up.

One of them though, came up to me,  slowly walked me to the bench, and handed me her water.

I waterfalled it, only drinking a little bit.

I thanked the girl sitting next to me, asking for her name.

"Adrian, but call me Addi or Ad." She answered nervously. I smiled and looked towards the group of girls who were already engaged in their own conversations. Of course.

Addi noticed me eyeing them.

"Don't Mind them. I only talk to them because no one else talks to me." She whispered. I nodded in understatement.

"If you don't mind me asking, can I have your phone number?" Addi asked. I thought for a moment. I just met this girl, could I trust her? Would she leak my number? Will I even have the same number after I get my new phone?

"Give me your number, and ill text you when I get my new phone. I broke mine last night." I responded. She took out a receipt out of her "Aeropostale" bag, and asked her friend for an eyeliner pencil, which they had.

No surprise there.

Ad wrote down her number, and stood up. She patted my back and told me to feel better. She then gathered up her friends and they left.

Do I have a new friend?

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