Chapter 24

497 15 2

July 20, 2014


I leaned into Taylor, laughing at a joke he made. I could feel Hayes's eyes burning holes into my back.

"Hey Fran!" Hayes shouted. I turned around and tilted my head questioning.
"Can I talk to you?" He asked. I nodded and walked out of the pool.

He got off the trampoline and tugged off his shirt. He pointed towards the hot tub, which I didn't know they had.

He opened the top and I slid in. Him following closely behind.

We sat in silence for a few moments.

"Listen I'm sorry." He finally blurted.

"I know. I heard you and Nash talking." I blushed.

"No, that can't even explain to you how guilty I feel. I know how weak you are. even if you are a lot better, you can still break any moment, and I took advantage of that." His voice cracked. "Listen, I really like you Fran. More than friends. I know that this is a long shot, but do you possibly have a big enough heart to like me back?" He pleaded. My heart felt like millions of fireworks just went off inside of it. He is truly sorry, and he likes me. For the first time in forever, a guy finally likes me.

When I didn't say anything he stood up. "I shouldn't have said anything. I'm sorry."

I quickly grabbed his hand, and pulled him back to me.

"Don't leave me. Ever again." I slowly brought my lips to his. I haven't felt this good in so long.

He parted from the kiss only to say the words i have been waiting for since we met. "I'll never leave you." He brought his lips back to mine hastily.

We haven't kissed in what feels like forever, and it feels good. It feels good to know that he isn't using me. He genuinely likes me and the feeling is mutual.

We broke apart and he rested his forehead against mine. I smiled.

"Taylor's staring at us. I can feel it. I was really jealous with what was going on before." He confessed. "I really dig this new you." He smirked and pecked my lips once more before we were interrupted.

"I only did all of this to get you to notice me. You like it?" I asked. He nodded.

"You seem a lot more confident." I nodded. I understand. I feel a lot more confident.

"Should we invite everyone in here with us? We could play never have I ever." I agreed and Hayes called everyone over.

Everyone came running over and glided smoothly into the hot. We had to squeeze to fit room in the hottub because there are only 8 seats. I had to sit on top of Hayes and Adrian sat on top on Nash. I'm surprised she wasn't with Alec.

"Francesca this is Shawn, Jack J, Jack G, Matt, and you know Alec, Nash, and Taylor." He pointed to everyone I didn't know.

"Hey guys! I'm Fran and this is Adrian." I waved shyly and leaned back into Hayes' hard chest. He wrapped his hands around me stomach and pulled me closer.

Nash noticed and gave me a look that said "I knew you guys would get back to normal.". I shrugged at him.

"Let's play never have I ever." Hayes explained his idea from earlier. Everyone agreed.

"I'll start!" Jack j pronounced. "Never have I ever been in a relationship for over 6 months."

Me, Jack G, Matt and Nash all put fingers down.

"Never have I ever kissed someone longer than 10 seconds." Adrian confessed.

Hayes squeezed my hip lightly and I giggled. That got a lot of people out.

"Never have I ever dated two people who were best friends." Nash said.

Nobody got out and Nash pouted.

The game went on for about 20 minutes because there was a lot of us to get out.

When we finished, my hands and toes started to get wrinkly so I told everyone I was going to go inside.

"Addi you can stay out here with the guys if you want. I'm probabaly going to shower anyways." She nodded.

"I'm going inside too." Hayes stood up next to me and grabbed my hand.

We both said goodnight to everyone, even though they were all sleeping over. He slung his arm around my shoulders an I grabbed his hand that was wrapped around me.

This is weird. It seems as if nothing ever happened between us. That's good though isn't it? We both like each other.

I grabbed my phone and he opened the sliding door that leads inside.

"I'm going to shower." I said while walking towards the bathroom.

"Want to save water?" He winked. I scoffed.

"I am not showering with you Hayes."

"We can keep out suits on." He laughed. "That's what I meant."

I blushed. "Oh, then let's go." We parted and I went into my room to grab my shower essentials and he went into his to do the same.

When I walked into the bathroom he was already in there, heating up the water.

I turned towards the mirror and looked away quickly.

"Did I look this bad all night?" I asked Hayes.

"You don't look bad at all. Stop thinking negative things about yourself." He wrapped his arms around my waist and turned us towards the mirror. "See, " he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear "beautiful."

I smiled and turned towards the shower, walking towards it.

I hopped in and rinsed my hair with the hot water. It was all knotty from the chlorine.

Hayes got in and did the same.

I took my conditioner and smoothed it through my hair to remove the chemicals.

Hayes did the same but he used his own manly scented stuff. Meanwhile, I used my girly scents.

We had to keep switching spots in the shower, so we each get our fair share of water.

"Fran, is this awkward for you?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Surprisingly, no."

"I feel the same way. No matter how much shit we've done to each other, I feel like nothing ever happened. Thank you for being so accepting." He pulled me into a hug.

My head barely reaches his jawline, so I had to stand on my toes to leave a quick kiss on his lips.

That wasn't enough for him though, because lifted my up to deepen the kiss. I wrapped my legs around his lean torso.

If I could stay like this forever I would.

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