chapter 2

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June 29, 2014


I decided to pack everything because hopefully I would never have to come back here.

I was going through my drawers and putting my stuff in my suitcases when Cam opened the door.

"THE KING IS HERE" he yelled. I laughed. "Just go through my drawers and put everything In my suitcases." I explained.

Ten minutes later Cameron starts laughing. "What are you laughing at now bro?" I looked up and noticed he was looking through my bra and underwear drawer. He lifted up my mint green and white lace underwear and the matching bra.

"Francesca Grace Dallas, why do you have these when you are going into 9th grade?" He asked seriously. "I have worse so keep looking and you'll be ashamed of me." I answered being somewhat serious. He just laughed and threw them into my purple suitcase.

After we were done and my room was mostly empty despite the furniture that I can't bring, cam left my room and I changed into Cameron's sweatshirt and oversized sweatpants. I can't really Wear anything tight like jeans, leggings, or any tight long sleeve shirts because they rub against my cuts and they hurt like hell.

Basically all I wear are sweats. I'm used to it though.

Tonight is the first night in a long time that i am actually falling asleep.

June 30, 2014

I woke up to my annoying alarm again at 7 am. I was annoyed at first but then I remembered what day it was. I'm leaving. I'm leaving this living hell!

I jumped out of bed and ran down the hallway into Cams room. "CAMERON WAKE UP! WERE LEAVING!" I screamed into his ear. He jumped up and laughed at me.

"I haven't seen you this happy in so long, Franners." He chuckled. "Ill go wake up mom" he added while standing up and stretching.

He walked out the door so I ran back to my room and grabbed all 6 of my suitcases. Yes SIX! I have lots of clothes, shoes, and just other random stuff. Even though, most of the clothes are to big on me because of the amount of weight I've lost.

I pushed them all down the stairs and kissed my mom good morning on the cheek. She smiled so big. I think everyone was suprised that i was so happy. I'm never happy. Cameron was eating breakfast with my older sister and my mom. I don't eat much so I just skipped it like usual.

At noon I ran to my mom and we hugged for what felt like forever. You may think I'm over exaggerating but imagine moving to a different state than your mom when you're only 14.

After a very emotional departure me and Cam headed to the airport. We just made it because right when we stepped inside, our flight was called. We ran to our terminal and I took a deep breath.

"THIS PLANE IS SICK!" cam screamed as we got to our seats. The plane was nice.. it had wifi, massage chairs, it had black lights all over, it was so cool.

I was scrolling through Twitter when I randomly saw my mentions going crazy.

What the hell is happening?

I looked at them and most of them were just me and this kid names Hayes grier tagged In them.

Wait.. Hayes is the kid my age that I'm moving in with! I went on his profile and saw that he tweeted asking about me. Hes actually pretty cute. He probably saw my posts and thinks I'm lame.

I looked at my recent posts.

@frannydallas -Painting pretty pictures of red on her wrist.

@frannydallas - Save me. Please.

@frannydallas - No one loves me.

Most of my brothers followers follow me so they must know I'm suicidal.

I felt my phone vibrate in my and after I told everyone to please stop tagging me in tweets.

I got Dm from someone. I opened it and saw that the message was from that Hayes kid.

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