chapter 6

661 20 3

July 1, 2014


I am beyond pissed. I can't believe Francesca would be such a bitch. I was hoping we could've all been friends but she had to go and ruin my reputation. The girls tweets were nothing like she seemed. She just looked tired and super skinny.

She probably posted all of those tweets for attention.

I tried texting Jay but she didn't answer to any of them. I know she saw them though. That girl is always on her phone. I called her 7 times and texted her 15. Ugh I actually liked her. I mean she was a little bossy but she had a kind heart. In addition, I will lose most of my popularity because of this. My girlfriend broke up with me? They will find this hilarious.

I sent out some indirect tweets to kill some time while I thought of ways to get her back.

@hayesgrier- you literally radiate bad vibes

@hayesgrier- blank

"Shit!" I heard someone shout/ whisper from the bathroom. Then I heard crying, and sniffles.

I love having the bathroom connected to my room but I hate being able to hear everything going on in there. I slowly made my way to the door and pressed my ear against it.

I heard quiet mumbles

"your not good enough" the voice said.

I was able to make out that it was a girl. "I don't deserve to be living. Everything's just going to get worse."

It must be Francesca. Maybe she's reading her tweets out loud?

Even though this bitch caused so much shit alredy, I was somehow gravitated to the door.


I reached the door and prayed that it wasn't locked. Luckily, when I turned the knob it turned with ease.

I peeked inside and like i guessed, it was Francesca. She was sitting on the floor with her back facing me.

I made my way towards her and l looked down at her. I saw blood and tears running down her arm. I gasped and she finally noticed I was there. She scooted backwards and began to cry harder.

"Don't come near me! Please! Let me do this!" I took one step backwards. "Let me help you." I whispered.

"Why would you want to help me? Your the one that caused this. I was almost 2 weeks clean!" She cried. Then made another slit. I cringed. I began to cry. I have no idea why because a few minutes ago I hated her.

I grabbed a washcloth out of the closet and dampened it. I walked towards her very slowly, trying not to set her off anymore. I sat down next to her and grabbed her blade and Flushed it. I cleaned off the blood on her arm. Her sweatshirt was covered in blood also, so I had no other choice.

I grabbed the hem of her sweat shirt and looked at her as If asking for her approval. She nodded slowly, second guessing it. I took off my shirt and took off hers and put mine on her. I threw hers in the hamper and looked back at her.

I couldn't help but notice the scars on her stomach, arms and hips while I changed her. I also noticed one mini scar on her neck, but that's nothing to worry about for now.

"Do you want me to go?" I asked

"Please stay. I just need someone" she choked out.

I pulled her into my bare chest lifted her up. I carried her into my room. She wasn't even struggling to get away from me, even though I know she hated me. I sat down on the bed and leaned against the headboard with her still in my arms.

I slowly set her on my lap and wrapped my arms around her. I played with her hair a little while I whispered into her ear.

"Your beautiful" "stay with me" "I'm so sorry" "I didn't understand" "your worth so much more than this"

I continued this until her breathing became Steady and I heard light snores coming from her lips. I kissed her forehead, but i didn't move from that position.

I am so lucky that I walked into the bathroom when I did. If I hadn't, she might've lost to much blood and would be already gone.

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