Chapter 36

394 9 0

August 22, 2014


Taylor sped up his pace when we got down the stairs. A little boy in our view screamed and ran to Taylor. I flinched, for a reason that is unknown to even me. Taylor let go of my hand and picked him up. He spun the kid in a circle and I smiled.

"Tristen!" Oh, this is the Tristen. I don't know what I was expecting but I was not expecting it to be a young boy.

"Taylor! I miss and love you." Tristen was yelling. I was smiling and Taylor turned to me.

"Tris, this is my girlfriend Francesca. Fran, this is my little brother." I smiled at the little boy and he whispered to Taylor.

"You fuck her?" I heard the little boy say. I laughed loudly as Taylor blushed.

"No Tris. She's a lot younger than I am." I frowned and looked away. Does that mean I am holding him back from something he wants to do? I knew my age would get in the way of something. I walked away and sat down on the couch next to the window. I looked out at the sky, which was beginning to get dark.

"Fran?" Taylor wrapped his arms around my shoulder. I sighed and ignored him. "What's wrong baby." He put his lips against my jaw line, and I ignored the urge to push him off because we are in public. "Baby." He continued to torment me.

"What?" I finally looked at him. "What did I do?" He asked sadly. "We've been dating for less than an hour and  I already messed up." He added.

"I'm holding you back from what you want." I said and looked into his eyes. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"You told your brother that my age is holding you back from-" I blushed. "You know."

He laughed. "You're not holding me back. I just said that you are younger and that I can't just randomly do that to you just because we are dating. I mean honestly, if you were older I probably would, but I wouldn't change your age for the world baby." He whispered, his lips by my ear. My lips twitched upwards as I turned my head to face his.

Normally, I would hate this public display of affection, but right now it feels like it is only us in this big room full of people. All Taylor's family and few of Sam's friends hopefully won't mind.

I brought my lips to his. "I'm sorry." I said during the kiss. He shook his head and continued to kiss me.

"I thought you said you don't fuck her." A little boy's voice interrupted is. We both looked at each other and laughed.

"I know where he gets his language from." I rolled my eyes at Taylor and he sent me a cheesy smile.

Confused, Tristen climbed on my lap.

"Taylor I'm going to steal your girl." Tristen joked while wrapping his arms around me.

Taylor playfully glared at the boy as I wrapped my arms around him. "Sorry babe. You've got some tough competition." I played along with them.  We all laughed and Taylor told me to grab Tristen and follow him.

I followed him back up the stairs and into his room. He threw something at me and I recognized it as my bathing suit.

"I'm going to change Tristen and I in the bathroom." He took the child out of my arms and walked through a door connected to his room.

I wanted to change quickly so he wouldn't walk out, so I hastily locked the door and stripped off my clothes. I kicked off my heels, almost tripping in the process. I put on my bathing suit and looked in the mirror, adjusting it.

It's a blue strapless suit with plain white bottoms. Luckily I shaved in the shower before I came. I took off my ring, and sat down on the bed. I admired the ring as I wanted for the two brothers.

I fell back onto the floor when something hit me. I heard loud laughs from behind me and turned around to Taylor on the ground and Tristen by the bathroom door.

"Sorry. Baby." Taylor said in between laughs. I looked around for what hit me and saw a bunch of towels next to me.

I grabbed one and huffed.

"You're such a bitch." I mumbled, walking over to him. I jumped on his back and began to wrestle him. Me and Cameron used to wrestle all the time before the whole Brendan thing.

We wrestled until Tristen started whining. I kissed Taylor quickly and stood up.

"Take of your ring." I told him. He nodded and set it down next to mine. I decided to go on snapchat and take a picture of them. I posted the picture with a heart. Everyone might me confused as to who got me it, but who cares.

"Let's go." Taylor tapped me. I grabbed both of our phones and he grabbed Tristen. I smiled, realized how good of a parent he is going to be.

I felt awkward in a bathing suit, but a few other people were also wearing them, and when we got outside, lots of people were in the pool.

I started walking to it, but Taylor pulled me away and pulled me towards the hot tub. I smiled when he handed me Tristen and opened the tub. He grabbed a life jacket for Tristen and handed it to me. I strapped it on and we all got in the hot tub.

Tristen immediately entertained himself in the warm water, just like any other child would.

I handed Taylor his phone and he thanked me. We both had waterproof cases on so we could bring them in.

"We need to take cute couple pictures." I squealed and he rubbed his hand up my thigh. He did it in the most non-sexual way possible, it was just a gesture of kindness.

I opened snapchat, as usual and he laid his head on my chest. I snapped a picture and it was actually cute, but it kind of looked like he was kissing my chest. I shrugged and posted the picture anyways.

We both took a bunch of random pictures, we got some together, with Tristen, alone, and even of each other. When we were done we both looked at each others stories. I clicked on his name, which is 'TaylorCaniff' the first picture was of him shirtless in the mirror with Tristen. There was a video that I didn't know he took of me taking a selfie. I looked horrible in the angle, but he smiled at the camera at the end, which made up for it. The caption on the next picture was the best.

    That's my baby!

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