Chapter 30

387 13 7

August 18, 2014


"Thanks again Taylor. I had an amazing time." I smiled at him.

"Text me whenever so we can do it again." He smiled and I laughed nodding.

"I would say come in, but Hayes is going to mad enough at me." I bit the inside of my cheek nervously.

"If anything happens, text me." He looked into my eyes. I gulped and started back into him. He started leaning in, and without thinking, I did too. His forehead was rested against mine, and he took a deep breath before bringing our lips closer.

They connected and i know it is wrong, but I kissed back. His hands went to unbuckle his seatbelt and I climbed over onto his lap.

We continued to kiss as I straddled him. I brought my hand to the back of his neck and his hands were on my hips. His tongue slid over my lips, asking for entrance. I parted my mouth for him.

I tugged lightly on his hair and he moaned. The kiss kept getting more heated, until we were broken apart by a knock on the window. Our eyes widened as we saw Hayes on the other side of the glass.

I quickly climbed off of Taylor's lap, but it was no use because we had already been caught. I grabbed my bag off the ground and opened the car door.

"Thanks again. I'll call you later." I whispered awkwardly. He nodded and put his head on the steering wheel. I stepped out of the car closed the door behind me.

Hayes was furious. He walked straight over to me and yelled. "Nothing's going to happen my ass." He mocked what I said earlier.

"That never meant to happen Hayes." I said as Taylor pulled out of the driveway. He gave me a look that said 'are you going to be okay?' and when I nodded he drove away.

"Well it did." He yelled. "You cheated on me Francesca." I sighed. It's weird, I feel like I should feel worse than I do. I just cheated on someone for gods sake.

"Hayes, it won't happen again. It was a spur of the moment thing. I promise it won't happen again." I pleaded. I don't want him to break up with me.

"Damn right it won't happen again, because it's over." He spat. "You know what, you're worse than Jayleen." He shook his head and walked inside.

My eyes got watery, and I tried to fight the tears, but failed. I just lost him over something stupid I did. Even though my kiss with Taylor was far past my expectations. I sat on the driveway and let out a sob.

I pulled out my phone and texted Taylor.

To Taylor: bring me somewhere.. Anywhere but inside myhouse

He replied instantly.

From Taylor: ice cream?(:

I wiped away a tear and smiled as Taylor pulled up. That was quick.

"How did you get here so fast." I cried while getting back in the car.

"I pulled over. I figured this would happen. I'm so sorry Fran." He rubbed the back of his neck. I pulled him into a hug.

"We weren't meant to be." I said referring to me and Hayes. He wiped a fear from my cheeks which were probably red and puffy.

"You would be if I didn't get in the way." He sighed. I glared at him.

"It's not your fault. If I'm being completely honest, that kiss felt better than anything I've done with Hayes." I admitted. Yes, I know that is a terrible thing to say but it is true. The kiss was magical, and it had something that me and Hayes were always lacking.

Taylor cracked a smile while he pulled out of the driveway. "I really like you." He confessed. "I know you just, and I mean just, got out of a relationship, but I need to tell you. Ever since the first time I saw you, I thought you were amazing." I sniffled. "Yes, I usually do play around with girls, but I never actually liked someone like I like you. I know it sounds crazy because we basically only hung out twice, but I knew from the moment I saw you that I had to make you mine." My mouth was now hanging open, shocked. Did he really mean this. I don't know what to say. I feel horrible for what I did to Hayes, but I do like Taylor.

"Don't say anything. You're not ready." He glanced at me, then back at the road. I nodded and looked in the mirror on the sun-blocking thing in front of me. I looked like a mess. I sighed and closed the mirror.

I pulled out my phone and texted Hayes.

To Hayes: I'm sorry.

I then texted Cameron and told him what I was doing. He responded with a simple 'ok' and I put my phone away.

"Hey you never finished that vlog." He said. I smiled and opened the camera.

"Yo yo yo, we out in the road heading to get ice cream." Taylor said. I laughed and nodded at the camera.

"We are currently in the car on our way to get ice cream." I said properly and glared jokingly at Taylor. It's crazy how easily he can make me feel better.

I'm such a bitch. I hate myself for what I am doing to Hayes.

"What flavor are you going to get Fran?" Tay asked. I shrugged.

"Probably chocolate chip cookie dough." I said. "What about you Tay?" I giggled.

"Half baked up in here." He did a weird dance and I laughed ending the video.

"You're amazing." I said seriously.

"I wouldn't say that." He said as we took a left turn.

"You cheered me up in about five minutes. That is not an easy thing to do with me." I confessed.

"What do you mean?" He asked, and so the story begins.

"Well, my ex boyfriend Brendan,..."



I love you all and thank you all for everything.💜)

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