Chapter 15

526 16 1

July 15, 2015


Mine and Hayes' heads instantly shot up.

"Listen Cam, can I talk to you outside?" Hayes asked calmly. Cameron clenched his fists but nodded. Hayes stood up, leaving me on the cold, hard floor of the basement closet."Vic, come in here and put her blindfold back on!"

Ugh, again?

"What happened girl?" Vic propped her hands on her hips and smirked.

I sighed.

"Cameron seemed pretty mad, and what he said can only add up to one assumption. You guys were making out" She smirked. What is up with her and smirking?

"We were kind of making out? I think?" I confessed. "I'm still confused myself to be honest. One second we were talking the next he told me he wanted to kiss me and I leaned in and kissed him after. I can't help but regret it. I feel like this is all a sick joke to get back at me about the Jayleen thing." I added truthfully. I put my head in my hands.

"C'mon! Don't get all worked up! We have a great surprise out there. When Cam and Hayes are done talking, you will be met with the best surprise ever! Right now, your anticipation is building, and when you actually see what is behind this door will make you hella excited." She squealed. "Now let's put on your blindfold."

10 minutes later, someone walked in and said I could go out now. I sighed in relief.

"Wait, actually were not ready! Go back in the closet!" Nash panicked! The
Person beside me which I'm guessing is Vicky, gasped and pushed me back into the closet.

"What on earth could be taking so long?" I mumbled angrily. I just want to eat! I haven't eaten all day and I'm super hungry. It's almost 5:00 I think.

"I'm sorry fran, but we missed a very important part of this surprise." She trailed off. Yup. It's definitely Vic. "They will be done in five minutes." She promised. Hopefully they don't forget anything else.

We were in an awkward silence for a few minutes. All I could hear was the sound of Victoria furiously texting. That is, until, I heard a camera button go off.

"Was that a picture of me?" I asked sternly.

"It's just a picture for my twitter. I need to remember this moment." She typed again. What is even so good about this moment?

"I know that you're thinking "what could be so good about this moment?" But it's only because I want you to be happy. Even though I am much older than you, I consider you a best friend . All I want is to see you happy. I think this surprise will paste a bright smile on your face. If It doesn't, then you need a reality check girl! This took us so long to set up!" She confessed.

She considers me a best friend? I consider her more as a sister, but I won't tell her that of course.

"Oh! Fran! Up, up! Let go, hustle!" Vic chirped and grabbed my arm to guide me out of the room.

I heard the closet door creak open. This blind fold is amazing. I literally can't see anything. I heard rustling and I felt Vicky release my arm.

I heard the sound of a video camera go off and then my amazing big brother said "okay, take off the blind fold.".

I did as told and took in the sight around me. Beautiful fairy lights, and decorative sheer sheets were hung in every corner of the room. One wall though, had a thick plain white sheet. On the ground, there were pillows,and blankets laid out to make a cozy place to lay. All of my favorite snacks were put into huge bowls on a table in the corner of the room. There were presents scattered around the room, and the boys were all by the stairs, waiting for a reaction out of me, a camera on a tripod In front of them.

I wanted to say something but words wouldn't come out. I felt a slick tear slide down my cheek, followed by many others. Cameron got up and ran to me.

"Are you sad? We can take this down?" He panicked. "Guys take this down!" He snapped towards the rest of my friends.

"No!" I choked out. I shook my head furiously. "These are happy tears! I love it!" I smiled.

They all ran up to me and hugged me. Cam started crying, then hayes, then Vic, then Nash. Everyone was a mess, but it didnt matter, because for once, I'm happy.

I'm truly happy. At least for now

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