Chapter 37

415 11 1

September 18, 2014


"I hate this already." I mumbled as I closed my laptop. I just finished school for the day, and my mood is literally so low. I can't be the only one who gets so depressed during school season.

"Fran. Get in here." I heard Nash yell from his room. I groaned and got out of bed.

"What?" I asked when I got to Nash's room.

"Hang out with us." He said. I looked around and noticed Matt and Cameron in the room also. I hugged all the boys and laid down on Nash's floor.

"Where's Hayes?" I asked curiously. I honestly miss him. I am very happy with Taylor, but I really miss being friends with Hayes.

"He's with Alec, Adrian, and slutbag." I laughed at the nickname he used for Jayleen. Adrian has been distant lately. She hasn't been around as much, and she doesn't text me anymore. That's okay though, I've been talking to mahogany and the guys a lot more.

"Let's film a video!" Matt said excitedly. I've learned that he is always enthusiastic about everything. Very hyper kid. Nash grabbed his camera while we thought of video ideas.

We tweeted our hashtag which is #askfracashew and instantly got thousands of questions we started the video by introducing ourselves.

"First question is from Sarah to Cameron." Nash said. "Who out of all the guys are you closest to?"

Cameron shrugged "I'm pretty close to them all I guess, especially Nash though because I live with him."

"Next question is from Brianna to Matthew." I said, reading the question off my phone. "When is our wedding?" I laughed.

"Let's go to Vegas and do it now." He winked at the camera. We all laughed and continued.

"Question from Tamara, to Francesca. If you were to choose between Hayes and Taylor who would you choose?" Cameron asked and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Well considering I am in a happy relationship with Taylor, and I am not on good terms with Hayes, obviously Taylor." I tried to sound as nice as possible. I didn't want anyone to diss me because they like Hayes or something. Fangirls can be crazy.

Me, being a one direction fangirl, has firsthand knowledge of the craziness.

We continued the video, and ended it with us all dancing to music that wasn't there, because we would edit it in later. When we were done I went back into my room and called Vicky.

"Hi Vic. Let's hang out." I said when she answered.

"Yeah. Come to my place I'll pick you up." She got in a fight with Cameron a few days ago, so it would probably be awkward for her to come here. It would also be bad to have Cameron drop me off at her apartment.

"Okay I'm ready right now so come whenever." Hearing her voice made me realize how much I missed her.

I told Cam where I was going, and I saw him frown. "You guys will be alright." I kissed his cheek and left Nash's room again. I sat down on the couch and texted Taylor.

To Taylor: I miss you babe ):

From Taylor: I'm coming over now

To Taylor: I'm leaving!!

From Taylor: I'll be there when you get back

I smiled down at my phone like an idiot. Fifteen minutes later, someone walks in. I expect it to be Taylor, but it was Vicky. I was slightly disappointed, even though I shouldn't be. I stood up and gave her a hug. I also hugged Aimee, her baby.

"I missed you so much Fran!" They both said. I laughed and we walked outside. I saw Taylor parking his car and I left Victoria's side to hug him.

"Baby, I'll see you when you get back." He left a kiss below my ear and I nodded.

"See you later." I pecked his lips and turned back to the girls. Vicky smirked at me and I rolled my eyes, elbowing her lightly. I turned around and saw Taylor staring at my ass. I flipped him off and he laughed, blowing me a kiss.

I picked up Aimee and skipped to Vic's car. After I strapped Aimee in I climbed into the passenger seat.

Me and Vic haven't had a girls night in a long time. Today is going to be great.


I stumbled back into the house. I am excruciatingly tired and the relaxing ride here did not help.

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed myself a cup of ice coffee. I rolled my eyes when I head heard the guys laughing from Cams room.

I sipped my coffee as I walked upstairs. I put on Taylor's shirt that he left here and a pair of spandex shorts.

I laid on my bed as I waited for the caffeine from my drink to kick in. When I finally felt more energized, I stood up and trotted into Cams room.

"The baddest bitch has arrived." I bowed and sat on Matts lap. Taylor motioned to my shirt and I gave him a thumbs up.

"How was it?" Cameron's asked when I stood up to give everyone hugs.

"Great. I haven't hung out with girls in a while. Im getting sick of you guys." I looked at Mahogany and she mocked hurt. "You're a boy LOX. We all know by your choice of friends." I joked. Everyone laughed. I reached down to hug her, but she pushed me away. "Go hug the other boys." She said sarcastically.

I stuck my tongue out at her and settled myself onto Taylor's lap. He put his hands on my hips and lightly rubbed. Everyone got into their own conversations, and me and Taylor talked to ourselves.

"See, I'm here just like I said." He kissed my collarbone. I looked around to see if anyone saw and I saw Cameron giving me the look. You know, the look meaning 'you're fourteen and I would rather not have you be pregnant.'.

I rolled my eyes at him and leaned further into my boyfriend. I grabbed his hand and twisted the ring around on his finger.

Everyone started chanting Matthew's name and we looked up, trying to figure out what was going on. Taylor took out his phone and videotaped as Matt danced. He then switched his camera around so it showed us.

He moved my hair out of the way so he could kiss my shoulder. I blushed when I saw the camera and he laughed, rubbing my lower back. He posted the video on snapchat, after much objection from me.

"Why do you hate when I post stuff of us so much?" He asked me when Matt settled down.

"I hate couples." I confessed.

"You love us though." He pulled down the back of my, well his, shirt and licked my back. I gagged and Johnson started laughing.

"Bro I got that on video." He laughed. I rolled my eyes when I saw him post it on his snapchat. I've probabaly been sweating and my back tastes gross. What about my back pimples? Oh god. I smacked Taylor on the side of his head in disgust and he kissed my lips.

"I hate you." I laughed.

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