Chapter 5

656 21 5

July 1, 2014


I can't believe he would say that. He seemed so nice. I must've been crazy to think that things would've changed once I moved here.

It has been 30 minutes since the Hayes incident and I'm still crying, Cam is still holding me, but Nash is talking to Hayes.. ,or should i say screaming at Hayes. Even though they are yelling I can't make out what they are saying.

Nash already feels like a brother to me and he's the only one who makes me feel welcome here. That just reminded me. I wiped my tears.

"Cam?" I sniffled. He looked up at me and chuckled. "Yes little sis?" He smiled.

"Where are their parents?" He looked around with curiosity as I waited not so patiently.

"I think they're still at work." He concluded.

About 10 minutes later Nash came running down the stairs. "Well,," he huffed, "I think I taught him a lesson!" I smiled at him.

"Well I dont mean to be rude sense you kinda just stuck up for me, but i really need to be alone. Can you show me where my room is?" I tried to sound as nice as possible, considering he just kicked his brothers girlfriend out of his house for me.

"Oh! Cam will you get her bags? Ill be down to help in a minute." He took my hand and walked me up the stairs.

He counted each step quietly which made me giggle to myself.

At the top of the steps he walked me to the second to last door of the hallway. "Okay, this is your room, the one on your left is Cameron's room, the one on your right is the bathroom which is connected to your room, and on the other side of the bathroom is Hayes room, which is also connected to the bathroom."

He opened my bedroom door and showed me the most beautiful room I ever saw. It was a pale blue color, with a queen sized bed and white dressers. I had a grey comforter on my bed and a full body mirror hanging on the bathroom door. I had a walk-in closet and did I mention a balcony?

This is my legit dream room. Now all I have to do is hang up my posters and some Christmas lights and I'm all good to go.

"Do you like it? I picked out the colors.." he said shyly. I smiled at him. I can already feel myself being happier here. Besides Hayes.

" I love it! Its amazing! Wheres your bedroom?"

"Mine and Skylynns' are Across the Hall. Mines across from yours and Sky's is across from Hayes. My parents is down stairs."

When he said Hayes, my whole mood deflated. I really hope Hayes won't be this rude the whole time. He makes me feel like I'm unwelcome. I felt my eyes start to water. This is why I hate depression. Even when you don't want to be sad, you cant help it. You just always sad. It makes you crazy.

As If reading my mind, Nash walked over to me and hugged me. "Don't worry Fran. He will come through. Hes only mad because his reputation at school depended on that girl. Plus, he actually liked her. which I have do idea why because she was a controlling bitch." He whispered the last part to me.

Suddenly a tall, tan, sweaty boy barges in the room with a bunch of multicolored suitcases. " you were supposed to help me Nash." My brother says annoyed. Nash rolled his eyes. " I was talking." Nash shoved Cameron lightly which made all the suitcases fall. They burst out laughing.

"Thanks for cheering me up guys but I want to be alone now. You can just leave my suitcases there." They nodded and walked out leaving me alone with my thoughts.

And for a girl with depression, being alone is never a good thing because that's when the demons come out and possess you into doing something that you know you shouldn't.

You start to second guess everything you've done. Before you know it, you slowly find yourself walking into the bathroom, grabbing a blade, and making small cuts on to the canvas that is your wrist.

(A/N: I know this is really weird to say but I kind of ship Nash and Fran.. to bad their age differences. )

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