Chapter 34

408 8 4

August 22, 2014


"Fran get down here." Elizabeth's voice flowed through the house. Why do I keep getting in trouble lately.

I groaned and sat up. "Alright." I called back and walked into the kitchen.

"Honey, sit down we need to talk about school." I let out a sigh of relief and sat down next to her.

"I thought I was in trouble again." She laughed and continued talking.

"Well honey, the boys are all going to be online schooling from now on, but I didn't know if you wanted to actually go." She smiled a warm smile.

"I'll take it online if it isn't to much to ask. I usually don't have to much luck at school."I shuddered at the thought.

"Okay Hun, that's fine. Oh, and all the boys' friends are coming over. They're all famous and they are meeting up here, so go get dressed." She kissed my cheek and I ran upstairs. She is honestly my second mother. I haven't actually talked to my mom in a long time.

I went into my closet and picked out a hot pink bathing suit, and a black long sleeve romper. I'm planning on inviting Adrian over and going swimming. I don't want to be the only girl.

I texted her and she replied saying that she would be right over.

I got dressed, brushed my hair and walked downstairs. Once I got down there I was face to face with tons of boys.

My eyes immediately met Taylor's and my eyes widened. We motioned me over to him and I smiled. All eyes were on me as I walked through the boys and next to Taylor. Nash came into the room and shouted at me.

"That was my spot!" He yelled. I laughed and moved onto Taylor's lap. Nash sat down and hugged me.

"You look beautiful." Taylor whispered in my ear, and again all eyes were on us. Well, all eyes except one pair of bright blue eyes. I couldn't find him anywhere. I shrugged it off and kissed Taylor's cheek.

Everyone awed and I looked at Nash.

"Dude, aren't you going to introduce me? Even though I know most of them." I laughed.

"Oh, that's Jack and Jack, Carter, Aaron, Cameron, Taylor, me, Jacob, Shawn, Alec, Matthew, And Sammy." He pointed at each boy and I waved to them even though I already knew most. "Mahogany is on her way." I squealed when I heard another girl was coming. All the boys laughed.

"Boys, this is Francesca." Taylor said what Nash never did.

The front door opened and Adrian walked in. "Tay I'm going swimming with Addi." I said into his shoulder.

"With all these boys here?" He asked. I shrugged and kissed his jaw lightly. "They obviously all know that I'm with you." I said and he smiled. I pecked his lips and stood up. Someone smacked my butt and I was about to scold Taylor but Taylor was glaring at Nash.

"Lay off Nash." I laughed. He smiled and I walked off.

"Addi I'll be outside." I yelled through the house. "Bye boys." I smiled and kissed Taylor once more. Cameron wiggled his eyebrows at me and I smacked the back of his head on my way out.

I walked out and felt the pool water. It was cold so I opened the hot tub. I took off my romper. Once I was in, the door opened again. Adrian came out wrapped in a towel.

"Shit forgot a towel." I said once she was in. I grabbed my phone and texted Taylor.

To Taylor: ask someone in there to bring me a towel???

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