chapter 27

422 18 1

August 17, 2014


I gasped as Hayes came flying from the roof and onto the trampoline.

"Hayes!" I shouted slightly agitated. He could've missed and broke his back or something.

"Babe its fine. I do it all the time." He promised. I was still skeptical, but I nodded anyways.

"Come in the hot tub with me!" I cheered. He laughed and got off the trampoline. I ripped off my cover up, revealing my bathing suit.

His eyes raked over my body and he walked closer to me.

"No Hayes! I will not have sex with you!" I shouted while laughing.

"Hayes! Come inside right now." Elizabeth yelled. I fell to the ground laughing and Hayes groaned. "I said now, Benjamin." She yelled again.

"Better go Benjamin." I winked. He glared at me.

"Fuck you." He flipped me off.

"I don't think your mom would like that." I laughed. He rolled his eyes and walked inside.

Considering I had no one to go in the pool with, I decided to lay down on a lawn chair and tan. I figured Hayes would be out soon, but until then I would try to get some sun. I'm still recovering from being inside so much.

I never realized how much sunlight actually helps you. My hair is shinier. My face is smoother, and I actually feel more energized when I'm outside. We can't forget the fact that I have a slight tan, compared to my usual Casper self as I sat in my room for over a year.

I still can't get over how much this house had helped me.

I could never thank them enough.

I heard yelling in the house and I decided that enough is enough.

"Elizabeth, its my fault. He wasn't trying anything. I said that as a joke to get him in trouble." It was funny at the time, but now here come the consequences.

"Francesca Grace Dallas. Go to your room." She shouted at me. I looked at my hands and nodded.

Hayes laughed. Bad idea baby. "Hayes, you too." She pointed to the stairs. Hayes caught up to me and shoved me lightly.

"Its your fault!" He whisper/yelled.

"Shut the fuck up and meet me in my room." I winked and ran up the stairs. He followed soon after me.

We both ran into our rooms. I walked over to my closet and grabbed cotton shorts and Cameron's old t-shirt.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and I flinched.

"Relax. Its me." Hayes' smoothe voice said. I relaxed and turned around.

"I'm gonna go change." I pronounced and walked towards the bathroom. "I like what you're wearing." Hayes said while looking at my bathing suit. I shook my head.

"We're 14 Hayes." I said. "Better late than never?" He asked and I laughed.

I walked into the bathroom and changed. I looked at the scars on my legs and arms and they seem to be almost gone. Well, not gone, but they aren't red lines anymore. They are white lines and they match my skin.

I smiled and walked out back into my room.

"Lets watch a movie." I said jumping on the bed.

"What one?" He asked and looked through the rack of my DVD's.

"Twilight!" I yelled. He scoweled at me. "Shut the hell up. Mom is going to hear you and kick me out of here." Hayes said.

"Whatever. Just put in twilight." I sighed. Why is he being so mean?

My phone vibrated and I grabbed it.

From Taylor: hey Fran! We should hang out sometime :)

I totally forgot I gave him my number.

To Taylor: totally! Where and when? I have nothing planned ever lol :)

From Taylor: tomorrow at 1- water park

From Taylor: ill drive

He can drive? Oh.

To Taylor: sounds good to me (:

Hayes yanked my phone out of my hands. "Are you serious?" He asked. I shrugged.

"It's not a big deal. We're just friends." I said casually. I don't see what the big deal is.

"You're not going." He started typing and I shook my head and grabbed my phone back.

"Who are you to tell me what I can and can't do?" I asked and deleted his message he started typing.

"I'm your boyfriend." He smirked.

"You're jealous." I laughed. He glared at me. "No." He defended.

"Yes you are." I said. "Am not." He said. "Are to." I said.

"I'm going Hayes. He is only a friend. I only want you." I kissed him. "He Better know that." He said and kissed me again.

"I love you Fran." He said. My eyes widened and my heart started beating faster.

"I love you Hayes." I said. He smiled and kissed me.

"Forever?" He asked. I nodded. "Forever." I said.



dramaaaaa aheaddd)

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