Chapter 19

517 15 9

July 19, 2014


I stood up from my spot on the couch, setting sky down in the process.

I smoothed my top out and made my way to the door.

"Deep breath Franners!" Nash yelled from the kitchen. I smiled lightly, took a deep breath, and turned the door knob.

"Hey!" I greeted Adrian as I opened the door.

"Hey!" She replied, hugging me quickly after stepping inside.

She looked around and nodded. "Nice place."

"THANKS!" Nash yelled from the kitchen. We laughed.

"Want me to show you around? You can meet everyone too." I exclaimed. "I-i mean, you don't have to if you don't want to! We can do something else!" I added quickly. She laughed.

"No! Show me around girl." She giggled. I motioned her over to me. "Here, follow me."

I showed her the living room, dining room, and now we're on our way to the kitchen.

"oh my god." Addi whispered to herself when we entered the kitchen. My eyes moved towards what she was looking at. She was staring at Nash eating a bowl of fruity pebbles. I hope she won't fangirl. I don't want her to be using me for the guys.

"What?" Nash looked up from is bowl.

"I LOVE FRUITY PEBELS!" She ran towards the box next to Nash. What the hell? Plot twist. She is the coolest girl I know. Every other girl on this earth would be "oh my goding" over Nash, not the food.

"Nash, this is Adrian." I introduced my friend. Wait, are we friends? I don't know.

"Nice to meet you!" Nash are another spoonful of cereal.

"You to! Francesca, will you please take a picture of us?" Adrian asked politely. I nodded as Nash stood up, getting ready for the picture.

She handed me her phone and I opened the camera. She grabbed the box of Fruity pebbles and hugged it. I waited for Nash to get in the picture.

"Are you gonna take it?" She asked chuckling lightly.

"Nash isn't ready yet." I replied.

"No offense.." She dragged on. " but I just wanted a picture of me and the fruity pebbles."

We were all silent for a few seconds.

"Well.." We all burst out laughing. Addi falls to the floor and clutches her stomach, while I lean on the counter with tears streaming down my face. Yes, they were happy tears.

Three minutes later, we are all calmed down, and we say goodbye to Nash and I lead her into the next room.

I show her the downstairs bathroom, and Elizabeth and chads room.

( A/N: I know they are split up but it's a fan fiction and it's easier if they're together.)

"Now let's go upstairs." I said leading her to the stairway.

"There's more!?" She shouted. "Can I live here forever? This is the most beautiful house I've ever been in!"

I laughed opening the door to Cams room. When I walked in he hastily threw his phone into the garbage can.

Two assumptions. Porn, or porn.

"Adrian this is my brother Cameron, and this is his room." I announced walking over to him. He pulled me into a hug.

"Don't speak of it." He said sternly, tilting his head towards his garbage can. I laughed shaking my head. I stood up and walked out of the room with Adrian.

I pointed towards Nash's room. "That's Nash's room. It's so gross so I'm not even going to show you!" I said, while fast-walking by.

Next, I walked to Sky's room.

"Knock knock!" I said while knocking. Adrian looked at me with a puzzled look.

"Skylynn." I mouthed while pushing open the door.

"Who's this girl?" Sky asked putting her hands on her hips. I laughed picking her up.

"This is Adrian." I kissed sky's forehead. She smiled at Adrian.

"Wanna swing on swing?" She jumped out of my arms and grabbed Adrian's hand pulling her towards her swing.

We'll be here for a while.

An hour later it's almost Sky's bed time, so we have to leave.

Next is the place I'm dreading. I decided on not going in but I will just tell her that it's his room.

"That is Hayes's room. I can't go in there because we're in a fight." I pointed towards his room. She nodded in understanding. I lowered my head and made my way to my room.

"This is my room." I said beginning to open the door. She gasped. I was getting conscious.

"Oh my god!" She gasped. I looked down. "It's beautiful!"

I looked up smiling.

"Thanks! Nash said he designed some of it." I confessed.

"In that case, he needs to come over and re-design my room." I laughed at this. Nash was barley good at anything.

She looked around my room for a while, and then she asked what the third door was. Obviously the two were the closet and entry.

"It's to the bathroom that Hayes and I share."

"Can we go in there and take selfies?" She asked.

"Well I don't really do selfies, but I guess we can take a couple." She clapped and dragged me towards the door.

Right as I opened the door, the door on the other side opened also.

"Hey.." I said awkwardly. Pulling Adrian into the room.

"Ugh I thought I told you not to talk to me." He said stepping into the room.

"Well you know what Hayes? You are a coward. Whatever is wrong with you is making you ignore me. I don't know what the problem is, but why don't you just ignore it. You're a coward who just runs away from their problems!" I took a step closer at him. "WHAT ARE YOU SO MAD AT ME FOR? ONE MINUTE YOU ARE KISSING ME AND HOLDING ME AND THE NEXT I AM A STRANGER TO YOU!" I raised my voice. I took another step closer to him, so that I was right in his face.
"What is your problem?" I whispered.

He took a deep breath, fists clenched at his sides. "You're a bitch!" He exclaimed.

"THIS is why I don't understand you. WHAT EVEN HAPPENED?" I rubbed my temples, and looked at Adrian apologetically. " How do you have the audacity to stand here, and call me a bitch? All you have been doing these past few days is hide in you're room! What? Did Jayleen tell you not to talk to me again?" I mocked.

"Shut up." He hissed

I went right up in his face,"Make me."

He raised his hand slowly, so I couldn't see it coming, and hit me. He slapped me in the face as hard as he possibly could. I put my hand on my face and felt blood coming out of my nose.

He just stood there while Adrian dragged my crying self out of the room. She grabbed a tissue and tried to stop the nose bleed.

"I can't believe he made your nose bleed!" She shouted.

"G-get Nash! P-p-please" I managed to choke out. She nodded hurriedly and ran out of the room.

(A/n: What the hell Hayes!? )

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