chapter 10

671 19 10

July 10,  2014


"Now Cameron. Make sure you are understanding for whatever Vic tells you tonight. Please don't hurt her. Shes been through a lot." I warned. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Okay?" He exaggerated beyond confusion. I smiled and walked up stairs. After wishing cam good luck of course.

I laid down on my bed and thought about everything that happened this week. It's Friday today, and the whole week seemed pretty good.

I had nothing better to do, and if i kept thinking, i know that i would end up doing something that i regret, so I went on wattpad on my laptop. No, I do not read about my brother or his friends. I usually read about 5sos and one direction.

I was right in the middle of a good chapter when there was a knock at my door. "Come in!" I shouted annoyed. Hayes walked inside. I rolled my eyes.

"Lets do something!" He said. Talk about excited.

"Hayes, what! Its not like we can go anywhere! Its raining." I sassed, still annoyed that he interrupted my reading. He looked outside my window and smiled.

"Lets play In the rain!" He smiled and I almost laughed.

"No! We'll get sick! Plus, our clothes will get ruined! No hay-" before I could finish my sentence, I was rudely interrupted again, but this time, Hayes picked me up and ran outside. He jumped onto his trampoline and dropped me onto it gently.

"See its not so bad!" He jumped. I actually did laugh this time. Is he that stupid? Although, I cant complain because he did look good in the rain.

His white shirt was already soaked, making it see through and showing his toned stomach. I can't even imagine how ugly I look right now. I shook off the thought and stood up.


We both were jumping and having fun for a while, until he slipped. I was laughing so hard, that I also ended up falling. I landed right on top of him. We both stoped laughing and looked into each others eyes.

He started leaning in, and I wasn't going to stop him, even though I really should. He probably is just using me and is going to make fun of me again after. I decided to let him Kiss me. He is probably the only person that is ever going to even think about kissing me anyways. Plus, he is hot.

Our lips barely touched when we saw a flash. We pull apart and look to where the flash came from.

There he was. Nash Grier. Standing in front of his bedroom window taking a picture and ruining the moment of possibly the only person that would ever try to kiss me.

I could tell I was blushing. As Hayes stood up and walked inside. He looked mad? Is he mad at Nash or me?

Seconds later he comes back out with a towel.

"Look, that wasn't supposed to happen. Sorry, it was just a spur of the moment type of thing." He confessed. Ouch. That hurt.

"It's okay. I'm going inside." I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"Sorry, your just really not my type." He scratched the back of his neck.

"Its okay. I promise" I lied. I walked inside, and into my bedroom where I cried myself to sleep, not even bothering to Change out of my wet clothes.

I knew this was all an act. Everything Hayes has done to be nice to me, was all just an act to humiliate me. I thought he would stick around for a little while longer though. Actually, what am I thinking?

No one ever sticks around. Ever.

I'm Francesca Dallas. The crazy emo bitch, who apparently cuts for attention.

Little do they know, how broken I really am. I would do anything to be loved by someone else. I feel like, if i find someone else to love me, it might make up for the hate i feel for myself. But I am not that stupid. I am definitely smart enough to know that no one will ever love me.

But luckily, I can feel myself getting stronger. Day, by day. Slowly, but surely, I can finally obtain a bit of happiness that gives me hope for the future. I can smile, and laugh. I don't cut as often.

Someday, I will be able to say "I made it". But not today.


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