Chapter 32

413 9 1

August 21, 2014


I frowned as I looked at my phone for the first time in about three days. Elizabeth and Cameron took it away from me while I was grounded. Well, I still am grounded, but they let me get my phone back.

I have thousands of tweets about me and Hayes and Taylor. Taylor has texted me multiple times, and Addi did as well. I deleted all my social media notifications, and opened my messages.

From Tay; hey!!!!

From Tay: shit! Just realized how late it was when I dropped u off! Ur probably grounded :/

From Tay: text me backkkk

I sighed and texted back.

To Tay: just got my phone back... ):

I opened Adrian's messages next.

From Adrian: I'm coming over.

From Adrian: I got kicked out because you're grounded

From Adrian: tell me everything

I texted back telling her I'll explain later. I didn't feel like typing it all.

Taylor texted back again.

From Tay: I MISS YOU!

I smiled and texted back.

To Tay: I MISS YOU TOO!! I've been locked in my room For 3 days!! )))':

From Tay: I'm coming over! I'll be on your balcony in 15 mins lol

My eyes widened as I looked in the mirror. I quickly stood up and brushed my teeth and put my hair in a high ponytail. I sprayed some perfume on me and picked up my room a little bit. I locked all the my doors and layed back down in bed. I took some snapchat selfies until he got here.

My phone froze, but then it showed that Taylor was calling. I hate when it freezes before a call like that.

"Open the door." He said and the call ended. Okay. That's cool too.

I stood up and walked towards the door. I opened the curtains and unlocked the door.

He walked in and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I M-" he began to yell, but I put my finger to his lips.

"Remember why you came through the balcony." I whispered in his ear. He laughed quietly and I closed the door and the curtains. The last thing I want is someone going outside and seeing us.

I looked at him and saw his eyes raking my body. I looked down and blushed.

Guess I forgot one little thing while preparing for him to come. I gently tugged on the oversized button down shirt, which was Nash's, to cover my navy blue lace underwear.

"I didn't realize." I put my hands over my cheeks.

He coughed. "It's fine." He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the bed. He sat down and I sat on his lap.

I leaned foreword to kiss him, but he stopped me.

"No kissing tonight. Let's just talk." He whispered and I frowned.

"Okay." I said, still frowning.

"Did you ever post that vlog?" Taylor Asked. I smiled and stood up.

"Let's edit it together." We walked over to my desk and I plugged my phone into my laptop. We sat down on the bench that hides underneath the desk.

"Did you ever make an outro?" He asked. I shook my head and decided to do it now.

"Hey guys! This is me a few days after and I never uploaded the vlog, so I'm doing it now. That didn't make any sense, but whatever. Stay tuned for frannyfridays! Love you guys!" I cheered and ended the video. I heard a knock on my door.

"Who's in there with you?" Cameron's voice asked. I looked at Taylor and my eyes widened.

"Nobody why?" I said while pushing Taylor under the desk and covering him with the bench.

"Open the door. I hear you talking." I rolled my eyes and opened the door.

"I was finishing a vlog that I never got to finish because you took my phone." I showed him the video I just took that luckily he'd seen enough and didn't have to see where Taylor randomly shows up in the background.

"I'm sorry." He wrapped his arm around me. "I'm doing this because I love you. I know what you did to Hayes and to be honest, I never liked Hayes with you. Even if I acted like I did." He said and I frowned. I hate how much he lies sometimes. "I know I've been getting close to Vicky and the baby, but that doesn't mean they will replace you even if it seems like they are. I just want to be there for the both of them because they really need it." I nodded in understanding.

"I love you cam, but you should really say sorry to Taylor. Plus, you should trust us." I glared at the desk quickly.

"I want to, but he is seventeen and you're fourteen and he is going to want more than you're willing to give." I knew what he was hinting.

"Taylor wouldn't do that. He knows when to stop." I stuck up for the boy in my room.

"I guess your right. I'm going to call him. Sorry again Fran." He kissed my forehead. "Stay away from boys!" He joked. I laughed meekly and waited for him to leave. When he did, I locked the door and let Taylor out.

"Thanks for sticking up for me but I have to go, because when he calls me I can't be whispering into the phone and he cannot find me in here. He will kill us." I nodded because I agreed. "Our little secret." He left a quick kiss on my lips and walked out the balcony door.

I was left speechless. It seems like he was only here for a few minutes and I miss him already. It is great knowing that Cameron might trust Taylor and I together, but it is upsetting knowing that he didn't trust me and Hayes.

I like two boys. One hurt me and one hasn't. I've hurt both of them and one of them still wants me.

What is the obvious choice?

(A/n: I honestly ship Taylor and her at the moment but it changes..

I don't know how the ending is going to play out, but I will figure it out as I go along with the book.

Also,some of you guys probably hate how it is now a Hayes and Taylor story, but I have so many more ideas now, and I even have an idea for a sequel.. Without Taylor, I wouldn't be doing all that. I hope you understand!

I'll see you guys in a few days!! 💗)

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