Chapter 25

495 13 4

August 8, 2014


"Fran?" Nash knocked on my door.

"Come in."

"Hayes sent me here. He wants you to meet him at the park." He winked. I laughed.

"Alright. Tell him I'll be there in a half hour." I hugged Nash and skipped off to my closet.

I pulled out random articles of clothing and threw together something that looked good.

I ran my fingers through my hair and did two pigtail braids.

I threw on some mascara and neutral colored eyeshadow, and now I'm ready to go.

I stepped into the hallway and walked towards cams door.

"Hey cam, I'm going out with Hayes." I hugged him. He kissed my cheek and smiled.

"Vic is coming over in a little bit with her baby and she wants to see you, don't be out all day missy." He scolded jokingly.

Over the past few weeks, Hayes hasn't hurt me, so Cameron is finally willing to accept us liking each other. Not after a long talk with Hayes though.

"I'll text you when I get there." I pulled my phone out of my pocket and wiggled it in my hand.

"Love you, have fun."

At the park, I didn't know where I was supposed to meet him so I pulled out my phone to call.

He answered on the third ring.

"Hey Hayes, I'm here. Where do you want to meet?" I asked.

"I'll meet you by the swings?" It came out more as a question and my stomach fluttered.

"Of course." I hung up the phone, and started towards the swings which were about 30 paces away.

On my way over to them, I texted Cam to let him know that I made it an I'm safe.

"Hey beautiful." A strong pair of arms wrapped around me.

"Hey." I said casually. I inhaled his scent. He smells like a mix of sweat, Hollister cologne, and laundry detergent.

He lifted my head up from his chest and leaned towards me. Our lips connected and it felt like bombs were going off in my stomach. Well, bombs that weren't painful.

I laughed at my thoughts which broke the kiss.

"What are you laughing at now?" He asked. I kept laughing.


"Well let's go." He wrapped his arm around my waist and started walking towards the long pathway that loops around the pond in the middle.

I tried to keep up with him, but his long legs took big strides, and I'm mildly clumsy, so keeping up with fast people really isn't my cup of tea.

"Slow down babe." I grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards me.

"Babe? I like that. Even though we aren't a real thing yet." I blushed. Yet? So he's planning on asking me out soon. Am I ready?

"Shut up Hayes. Where are we going anyways?" I took fast steps still, even though he slowed down.

"We're going to have a candle lit picnic." He smiled a cheesy smile.

"Romantic. Who set it up? Nash?" I joked. He put his hand to his heart.

"Ouch." He mocked. I laughed.

He lead us to a tree by the pond. As we got closer, I noticed a blanket with a basket on it.

I gasped when I saw all of the unlit candles forming a heart around it.

"Hayes it's beautiful." I hugged him.

"It's not done! Turn around." He shrieked and pushed me to face the other way.

A few minutes later he told me I could look.

My eyes almost fell out of my head as I took note of the sight infront of me.

"Hayes. It's amazing. You're amazing." I jumped up and wrapped my arms and legs around his torso. He gripped underneath my thighs to support my weight.

"Can I kiss you?" He blushed. I nodded.

His soft lips were soon connected to mine. My hands moved to the back of his neck and I laced my fingers into his hair. I loosened my legs so I was now standing, and he pulled me to the ground, never breaking loose from our kiss.

His hands slid down my back and rested just above my butt.

"Watch your hands Grier." I broke apart to say, but re-connected immediately.

His soft plump lips made me melt in his hands. He now has complete control of me. Anything he wants me to do, I would do.

We pulled apart breathless. I brought my hand up to my lips which were slightly swollen as were his.

"Francesca will you be my girlfriend?"


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