chapter 29

394 14 11

August 18, 2014


"I wish I brought a camera to vlog with." I admitted. He shrugged. "Vlog on your phone." I nodded and started a video.

"Hey guys! I am in the car with the wonderful Taylor Caniff. We are going to the water park, so I am super eger to get there!" He laughed. I ended the video. I was going to film in separate clips, then add them all together.

We pulled up to the water park and my eyes lit up. I havent been to a water park in at least three years.

"Someones excited." Taylor said as we drove around the back of the park. Since he is famous, we get private parking in the back of the park.

We parked and he got out of the car and ran to my side. He opened the door for me and I thanked him.

We grabbed our stuff and walked towards the gate. There was security guards standing there. I turned on my camera again.

"I made reservations to park back here." He told the guards.

"Name?" The bearded one asked.

"Taylor Caniff." Taylor pronounced. The guard looked at his phone and nodded, letting us through.

"I thought you were winging that." I laughed. He laughed and wrapped his arm around me.

"Stay with me. I don't want you to get lost." He said. I rolled my eyes sarcastically. "Okay mom." I joked. He glared and we laughed. I ended the video.

"Okay so lets get a locker to put our stuff in and then lets find some rides. We can go on some dry ones later too if you would like." He said. I nodded and smiled. His arm was still around me and my skin has goosebumps where he is touching me.

Stop it Fran. You're dating Hayes.

A few teenage girls were staring at us, probably knowing who Taylor was.

"The lockers are right over here. Are we sharing?" He asked.

"If you want. I didn't bring a lot money because I don't have much so I can get a small locker if you don't want to share." Here I am with a rich/famous older boy who can get anything and I'm a fourteen year old girl who can barely afford a small locker at a water park.

"Let's share a large one." He laughed.

He paid for the locker and we put our stuff in it. A few fans were taking pictures of us but we ignored it.

I started another video. "Okay guys, we just got a locker, so we are putting our stuff in, then were gonna go on some rides and stuff! Isn't that right Taylor?" I put the camera in his face and he licked it. "Ew!" We laughed and I ended the video.

He pulled off his shirt and my eyes raked over his toned stomach. A few girls behind us squealed, and he laughed. I peeled my eyes away awkwardly and laughed with him.

Ive seen him shirtless at home, so why am I reacting now?

I took off my shirt and shorts and re-adjusted mg belly ring.

"We should take a picture." He said.

I nodded and I grabbed my phone. I put on the front camera and fixed my hair. He asked a girl who was watching us, probably a fan, to take a picture.

We walked out into the sunlight and I squinted from the sun. He handed me his raybands and my smile faltered, thinking of Brendan.

I quickly recovered and smiled for the picture. First, we took a normal one. Then he picked me up bridal style and we laughed for the picture. We did a few more, he kissed my cheek, another normal one, and a silly one.

We thanked the fan, and she asked Taylor for a picture. I grabbed her phone and snapped the picture.

She surprised me by asking me for a picture. "Um yeah!" I smiled. I wrapped my arm around her and smiled. "Thank you guys!" She said to us.

We walked off and he wrapped his arm back around my shoulders. If Hayes saw us he would be so mad at me.

"Where to?" He asked. I shrugged. "Lazy river?" I asked. That's the only thing I remember being at water parks. I'm pretty sure there is one at every water park.

"Yeah." He said and lead us to it.

I took a video saying what we were going to do.

We got to the entrance and we were the only ones in line. A worker came up to us. "There is only one tube left." She said.

"You can have it ill walk." I said. Taylor grabbed the tube and sat in it, then he pulled me onto his lap.

I went on my phone and opened snapchat. We took a bunch of pictures as we floated around the river.

He went on his snapchat and asked the girl floating next to us to take a picture. She looked my age.

She nodded excitedly, I suppose she is a fan.

Taylor wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me higher up onto him. I layed my head on his chest and we smiled. The girl gave him his phone back and we looked at the picture. It was so cute. Without thinking I pressed story on his phone.

"Francesca, I love you! You too Taylor! Aren't you dating Hayes though Fran?" The girl asked. Taylor stiffened at Hayes' name, but I squeezed his wrist and he relaxed.

"Yeah. Taylor and I are just friends." I clarified. "Oh, and we love you too." I added.

She nodded taking in the information.
"Can you guys follow me on Twitter?" She asked. We nodded and followed her.

She thanked us and got out of her tube and swam away.

"I forgot you were dating Hayes." Taylor chuckled and rubbed circled on my stomach.

"He's mad at me for coming. Jealous." We laughed.

"Speak of the devil." Taylor said and showed me his phone as we stood up and exited the lazy river.

From hayes: why are your hands all over my girl?

I rolled my eyes and deleted the message. This is Tay and Fran time.

I know that its going to come back to me later, but ill spend time with Taylor until it does.

(A/n: wow Fran is being a little weird..

This might be a lot but 8 votes and 10 comments for the next chapter!! ❤️)

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