Chapter 40

365 7 4

October 31, 2014


"You boys need to stay back." A nurse warned.

"That's my sister!" I wailed. "I need to stay by her side."

"Sir, calm down. I assure you I will make sure she survives. She took a pretty hard hit to the head, and she has a broken arm. She may not wake up right away, but for now we need to make sure to stop the bleeding because she has lost a severe amount of blood already. " I nodded and me and Taylor walked to the waiting room.

"Is she okay?" Nash yelled, running inside the hospital. "I hate my brother. I hate him so much." He slid his back down the wall and cried. "If she doesn't make it, it's my fault." He added. "I was supposed to be in charge of him."

"What is even wrong with him? He was never like that." Taylor said. I nodded in agreement.

"I don't know, but I called my mom on the way here and told her everything. She is going to start taking Hayes to therapy lessons." Nash explained as he paced around the room.

None of us could even sit still. Nash was pacing, and my body wouldn't stop shaking. Taylor had his knee bouncing, and he kept twisting a silver ring around on his finger.

"Matt and Mahogany are on their way, and the Jacks went to go talk to Hayes.
I'm pretty sure everyone else had to go home." Nash said. "Oh and Shawn's coming." I wiped a tear from my cheek and stood up.

I copied Nash, and paced throughout the small room, which still seemed to be getting even smaller.


"Francesca Dallas?" A doctor announced. Matt, Mahogany, Taylor, Nash, Shawn, Elizabeth and I all stood up. The doctor walked towards us.

"She hit her head pretty bad, and she is in a coma. When she wakes up, she may have slight memory loss. Her cast is on her arm and she is hooked up to oxygen and IV." He looked at all of us. "Who is her legal guardian?"

"Me." Elizabeth stepped forward. He took her and lead her down the long white hallway.

"Bro, what if she doesn't wake up?" Shawn said, shocked. He showed up about an hour after Matt had Mahogany had. His parents wouldn't let him go, so he snuck out.

"Don't say that Shawn." Taylor cried. "What if she doesn't remember me?"

"Stop thinking negative guys. She's been through a lot and she is a very strong girl. Have faith in her."

A few minutes later, Elizabeth came back. "You guys can go see her. Room thee-seventeen." She said sadly. We thanked her and walked down the hallway.

I was the first one in. My eyes widened and I felt sick. It is nobody's wish to see their little sister unconscious on a hospital bed.

I pushed past everyone and left the room. Nash followed me. "Bro, you got to stay in there. She needs you."

"I can't look at her. She just got better and now she is laying in a hospital bed, unconscious. Do you know how painful it is too see someone you love like that?" I cried.

"She's my sister too." He walked back inside. I sighed and pulled out my phone.

To Victoria: she's in the hospital.. Come quick

We haven't talked for a while and I really miss her and Aimee. They both meant so much to me and we don't talk over something so stupid.

I held my breath as I walked back into the room. I didn't want to look at her, but I know I'm going to have to.

Taylor was kneeling by her side, holding her hand. Another doctor entered a few minutes later.

"Who is Cameron Dallas?" The doctor asked. I nodded my head towards him and he motioned to a separate corner of the room.

"It says you are her brother." He said reading off his clip board. I nodded my head.

"Now, it says here she was a victim of sexual assault when she was ten. Is that true?" He said way louder than he should've. I saw Nash's jerk our way. He stood up and walked towards us. "Excuse me, but this is private talk sir." He spoke to Nash. I wrapped my arm around my friend and told the doctor it was okay.

"To answer your question, yes." I nodded my head sadly. Nash's eyes widened and he froze.

"She also has had lots of hospital visits within the last two years." He stated.

"She has had many mental illnesses."

"Mr. Dallas, there is a highly possible chance that she may wake up with her mental illnesses again." He scanned the board again. "I mean, it seems like they have been cured, she hasn't been here in a while." He looked at Nash.

"Nash, sit down." He was very pale and it made me nervous. I pushed him towards the other bed in the room and he sat down, still staring. I knew I would have to explain later.

"So, you're saying she could still have all that pain? After everything we've been through to stop it, the pain might come back?" I panicked.

"It is highly possible." He sighed. "I am very sorry Cameron." He glanced over at Nash one more time, then exited the room.

I walked over to everyone and told them what the doctor said. Upset was an understatement. We are all a mess. Especially Taylor. He is usually one to play with girls, but he finally settled down with my sister and she might now even remember him.

"I'm gonna kill Hayes." I mumbled and walked out of the room.

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