chapter 3

730 18 0

June 30, 2014


Today Nash told me that Cameron and his little sister were coming to live with us. I asked how old she is but he doesn't know.

I don't understand why the girl can't live with her mom. I mean, maybe this will be a good thing but you never know until it happens right?

I decided to send out a tweet.

@hayesgrier- Anyone know who Cameron's little sister is? @ her to me if she has a Twitter! Love u #yeet

Maybe this mystery girl would see it and I would know who it is.

Seconds later I got millions of replys with her @ . I clicked on them and notice that she looked about my age. I also noticed that she tweeted about suicidal things and bullying. Does this stuff happen to her?

She seems so mysterious and depressed.

I followed her and sent her a dm.

To Francesca: hey! You and Cam are moving in with us right?

From Francesca: yeah luckily.

To Francesca: what do you mean? What happened?

From Francesca: society happened. I'm so sorry you have to live with me. When I get there please don't make fun of me..

To Francesca: i would never

From Francesca: i have to go

She's so mysterious. I really want to get to know her. I decided to text cam and ask a little bit about her. Hopefully shes not crazy. I honestly can't wait until she gets here. I think.. for now I guess ill call my girlfriend and have her come over.


I opened the message from Hayes. He sounded so giddy and full of energy, while me, I don't give much emotion when I text. I don't give much emotion to anything I guess..

As the conversation went on, he started a skin questions.

Oh my god. Hes going to ask me if I'm suicidal. He's going to think I'm crazy if I tell him. What if he thinks I'm disgusting when I get there?

I let my mind get the best of me again. I hate that about me. I don't even control myself. My mind does all the work, and my minds pretty messed up.

Hayes wouldn't get it though. I'm done texting him.

"How are we going to get to their house?" I asked Cameron as we walk off of the plane.

"Nash is picking us up." He said. He looked excited. I sighed.

"Everyone's going to make fun of me. I look like a freak." I felt my eyes watering up. Everything I said was true. Cameron looked at me with such sympathy. He wrapped his arm around me.

"Your broken Fran. But that's why we're here. We're gonna fix you. I'm going to make you think your beautiful again. I promise." He tried to soothe me. I started bawling. I probably look so stupid right now.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep to calm myself down.

I felt a pair of arms lifting me up and carrying me outside.

Here's to the start of a new life in North Carolina.

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