chapter 7

677 19 2

July 2, 2014


I woke up In a strange room, with strange clothes, and a strange pain on my wrist.I looked around only to be met by a tall boy holding me in his arms. All the events of last night flooded into my memory. I sighed.

Its weird how Hayes can be a jerk one second and cuddling me in the next.

I yawned and pried myself out of Hayes grip, which was very tight might I add. I can't get over the fact that he was actually nice to me last night when about 2 hours before, he was the biggest asshole I knew.

I stood up and stretched. Hayes was still asleep and he looked really stupid. He was sitting against his headboard, and his arms looked as if he were holding someone, which he wasn't (anymore). I grabbed my phone and Snapped a picture and posted it on Twitter and instagram.

@frannydallas- you look a little lonely @hayesgrier

Is what I captioned it. I laughed as I instantly got thousands of likes and retweets. Hayes phone went off and he woke up. I snuck out of the room so he wouldn't yell at me.

I got a tweet from Hayes

@Hayesgrier- @frannydallas well I wasn't until you left

Seconds later, millions of fans were tagging us saying

"Omg date" "relationship goals" "marry him Fran" "do you guys sleep over each other houses?" "#fayes"

I frowned because i thought of jayleen, but i followed a few fans and favorited a few tweets. I got a text from cam saying that I have therapy today.

That lazy boy wont even get out of bed to tell me.

I walked down the stairs completely lacking energy.

I decided it was a good time to tweet back to hayes-

@frannydallas- I'm in the living room

A few seconds later I heard someone stomping down the stairs.

"Hello franny-manny-bobanny" he smirked at me and plopped down on top of me.

"I guess I have therapy today.." I sighed and looked him in the eyes while making myself comfortable.

I took a blanket and put it over my legs. He put his head on my lap and stretched his feet out which gave me no other optiom than to put my feet on the coffee table in Front of me. Well this was awkward..

"This is so weird" I whispered to myself, but apparently Hayes heard.

"What is?"

"How one day you can be screaming at me and I could be sobbing, and then the next, you act like we've basically known each other since birth. All this happened because,," I hesitated. "You know."

"I just want you to know that I'm not that bad of a person. I was just very angry, I already told you why."

"I know but I can't help but feel like this is all an act to get back at me.." I trailed off. Here come the bad thoughts. I felt a tear trail down my face. "I hate this! I hate being unhappy! Any moment when I am happy, I just break down over the stupidest things. Why am I like this? WHY COULDN'T IT BE SOMEONE ELSE? WHY ME!?" I started yelling until Hayes hushed me.

"Mind telling me your story? You know, of how all of this happened?" He asked unsurely. He knew that I could snap at any moment.

After he readjusted himself on my lap, I started telling him about Brendan.


"Hey! Your Francesca right?" A very attractive boy asked. He looked like he was in 8th grade.

"Yea but please call me Fran." I chuckled embarrassed.

"I'm Brendan. Do you want to maybe come over for a fire this friday with me and my friends?" Brendan paused. "You can bring a few friends too so you don't feel left out" he added quickly. Too quickly.

"Uhm ill have to ask my mom." I blushed. "Can I have your number?" Oh my gosh this is so embarrassing! I must be as red as a tomato!

"Yeah!" He took out a pen and wrote his number on my hand. "Hopefully ill see you then! Text me babe!" He yelled across the hallway. Oh my god! Everyone heard that! They all heard him call me babe!

I cannot wait to go over! I need to beg my mom.

*flashback over*

"-And that's how me met." I swallowed the lump in my throat.

(A/N: I feel like this is kind of short but whatever? I'm doing one more flashback and then I think they're done.. vote & comment! )

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