Chapter 12

570 17 3

July 14, 2014


The least thing I wanted to see.

"What is she doing here Hayes?" Jayeens squeaky voice asked.

"It was my fault. I came onto him and forced him to kiss me. I'm sorry" I lied. She scoffed.

"I always knew you were a slut!" She picked at her freshly manicured nails, then looked up at me. " get out."

I looked back at Hayes hoping maybe he would say something to keep me here, but he didn't. I sighed and walked out. I knew all of this was too good to be true.

I went into my room and felt a few tears fall but I ignored them and went on my phone.

I messaged my internet friend Georgia because I haven't talked to her since the move.

To Georgia: hey

From Georgia: hello, Francesa. This is Talia, Georgia's mom. I am so sorry but She passed away a few days ago.

To Georgia: lol Georgia thats not something to joke about

It has to be a joke. Right?

From Georgia: Francesca this is Talia. Please do call me if you would like to speak to me. I'm very sorry. We are all in tons of pain.

I guess it is real..

" What do you want from me?" I said to no one in particular. Maybe God? I don't know, but I kept talking. " WHAT ELSE COULD YOU POSSIBLY WANT? MY LIFE IS ALREADY RUINED, AND NOW YOU TAKE MY ONLY FRIEND!?" I sobbed.

"BITCH!" I threw my phone at the wall, and watched the screen shatter. That's how I feel inside.

Georgia has been my friend since I was 12 and we met twice.

I cried, and cried until I felt sick. I stood up and ran to the bathroom and threw up. Then, I cried some more. I heard someone come into the bathroom but I didn't bother checking to see who it was.

"Francesca, what happened?" An all to familiar voice asked.


"G-go b-back to j-j-jayleen." I stuttered and kept crying.

"I kicked her out. Shes gone." He sat next to me. Did I just he's him right?

"W-what a-about Twitter?" He took his phone out of his pocket and unlocked it.

"Look." He handed me it.

I don't hide anything from you guys. Don't believe rumors.

Was tweeted 10 minutes ago. I looked up at him and sighed.

"Georgia d-died." I mumbled.

"What who's Georgia?" He asked calmly.

"She w-was my only f-friend. Every t-thing in m-my life is a b-big j-joke." I stumbled over my words. I can't believe she is gone.

"What were you throwing, And did you throw up?" He asked.

I nodded and told him what I threw in my room.

"We'll need to get you a new phone then!" He tried to lighten the mood.

"Thanks, H-hayes." I smiled shyly.

He put me on his back and brought me into his room. "Your sleeping in here tonight." He instructed, while setting an down on the bed. I nodded.

We went on Netflix and watched cheesy comedies. I don't know if I should trust him because it hasn't even been 5 weeks and he's hurt me countless times.

I turned to him and saw him staring at me.

"Take a picture it will last longer" I tried to smile but failed miserably.

"Okay" a bright flash went off in my face. Did he actually just take a picture?


"Uhm what?" I questioned.

"You thought out loud." He chuckled. I nodded and snuggled into him.

"Your the best Fran. You know that don't you?" He propped himself up on one elbow and looked into my eyes.

I looked down. "How am I the best?" I asked intrigued.

"Your so strong and forgiving. I keep hurting you but you keep forgiving me, and that takes a lot of courage. Thanks." He admitted. I smiled.

"No, thank you for being there for me and sticking up for me." I kissed his cheek. He closed his eyes and laid back down. He fell asleep 10 minutes later.

I was finally dozing off when Hayes pulled me closer to him. This is the best feeling. Being wrapped in Someone's Arms, and even when they're asleep, they give you recognition.

Today has been a rough day.

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