Chapter 20

496 19 4

July 19, 2014


Nash came running up the stairs towards me. He looked at me and then at Adrian.

"Did you do this to her?" He said through gritted teeth at Addi.

"No! Nash!" I cried. " Its Hayes."

"Son of a bitch!" He kicked my dresser. "What the hell did you ever do to him Francesca? If you did something then you need to tell me. Now." He said sternly. I shrugged, wiping a tear off my face, and repositioning the tissue over my nose which was helping to stop the bleeding.

"I don't t-think I d-did anything." I replied honestly. He stood up and ran through the bathroom and into Hayes's room.


"Listen man, you don't understand." Hayes's voice insisted. Nash didn't have it, and neither did I.

"Try me." I can picture Nash smirking. I wiped a tear from my cheek and grabbed my phone. I opened snapchat -which Nash and Cameron insisted on me getting. I took a selfie of my nose bleeding and me crying.

"Ouch." Was the caption. I showed it to Adrian and she walked over to me and hugged me.

"I still don't understand why he did that." I shook my head. She nodded in agreement. I wiped the last of the blood off of my nose and got up to throw away the tissue. I say back down on my bed with Adrian and listened to their conversation.

"STOP HAYES!" We heard Nash yell. I wonder what's going on in there.

I stood up and tip-toed into the bathroom.

"Come here!" I whisper yelled to Adrian. She walked over to the door and started tip-toeing with me inside the bathroom. I peeked over the corner of the door and I saw Hayes trying to hit Nash but Nash had him pinned up against the wall.

"Listen. Its the fans. They're hating so much on Francesca so I'm trying to stop it." Hayes whisper shouted, probably praying that I didn't hear. "I'm trying to protect her"

Adrian looked at me with wide eyes. I shrugged and turned my head back towards the two brothers fighting about me.

I've caused way to much stress for this family already.

"So that gives you the right to hit her?! She can protect herself!" Nash pushed on. Hayes looked down. "That's what I thought."


"No! Hayes, no. You don't even deserve to have me be talking to you right now. Once you get your shit together, then you can Talk to me." Nash walked towards the bathroom.

Me and Ad scrambled back into my room and sat down on my bed and started talking about kites.

"Oh, and by the way, you're lucky that I'm not telling Cameron. If I did then you'd be dead, so you better hope that he never finds out." Nash said his last words and shut his door.

"Fran, I need to talk to you. Alone please." He looked at Adrian apologetically. Adrian nodded.

"I gotta get going anyways." She gave me a light hug. "Text me later!" She shouted walking out the door.

"I'm so sorry. That wasn't exactly how I expected you're first time hanging out with Adrian to be like." He ran his hand through his long hair. "I did like the way she didn't obsess over us though."

I laughed a little, remembering the fruity pebbles from just a few hours ago. She is one weird girl.


"I know. You were eavesdropping. I saw you peeking around the corner." He chuckled.

"I don't get it. Why does he think he is protecting me?" I asked.

"The only person who can find out is you. You need to go talk to him." Nash stated.

"I guess you're right, but I'm just scared."

"Only go when you're ready Franny." He kissed my forehead and made his way towards my door. "Don't worry, I won't tell Cameron." He added be for completely shutting the door.

Now, I just need to think of how I'm going to talk to him, what I'm going to say, and where/when this is going to take place.

"Note to self, all of the above." I thought aloud.

(A/n: pretty sucky chapter because it proabably wasnt as exciting as you expected, but OMG 1K READS AND OVER 100 VOTES OMG THANKS SO MUCH! I don't know what I did to deserve this but I really am thankful! Keep voting, reading, and commenting do faster updates! Love ya'll)

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