chapter 28

401 8 1

August 18, 2014


I woke up and untangled myself out of Hayes' grip.

The clock said 11:00am so I have two hours to get ready for the water park. I don't know why I feel so excited. Is it because I am hanging out with and older boy, or is it because Taylor is hot?

"You have a boyfriend." I whispered to myself. I turned around quickly to make sure Hayes didn't hear. I smiled because he looked so adorable. I opened up snapchat and took a picture of him to put on my story.

I walked into my closet and got out plain white bikini bottoms with a baby blue bikini top. I grabbed a white crop top with grey shorts. I also grabbed my belly ring.

I walked back into my room and Hayes was gone. I rolled my eyes and locked all my doors so I could change.

I put on the bathing suit and belly ring, then put my clothes over it.

I brushed my hair and grabbed a bag and put underwear/a bra and a towel inside. I also threw in some mascara and deodorant.

I took off my PINK phone case and put on a blue waterproof case.

I put on some waterproof mascara and bb cream with sunscreen. I smiled as I entered the bathroom and saw Hayes brushing his teeth.

"You're going in that?" He asked. I could barely make out the words because he was brushing his teeth while talking.

"Yeah. Why do I look bad?" I asked. He shrugged. "Just a little revealing." He said. I rolled my eyes and glared at him. I grabbed my tooth brush and brushed my teeth beside him.

When he left, I went to the bathroom and grabbed a few feminine products to put in my bag just in case.

I grabbed my phone and bag off my bed and walked downstairs.

11:45am my clock showed.

I saw Elizabeth and I hugged her.

"How are you?" She asked and hugged me back.

"A lot better thanks to you guys." I smiled. She laughed and pulled away.

"I'm making eggs. How do you like yours?" She asked.

"Over medium." She nodded and got to work. I told her if she needed any help I would be in the living room.

"Cam I miss you!" I shouted while jumping on him. We aren't as close anymore and it really makes me upset.

"I know baby girl. Lets hang out today!" He smiled. I frowned and told him I was busy.

"With who?" He asked.

"Taylor. You're friends with him right?" I asked. His eyes widened.

"Do you know how old he is? He is seventeen! Where are you guys going. Ill kill him." He yelled.

(A/n: i know Taylor isn't actually 17 but I'm changing the boys' ages for the sake of the story!)

I sushed him. "Were going to the water park. Yes I know how old he is." I answered his questions. He shook his head.

"I can't believe you. He better not try anything!"

"He won't cam. I came in here to talk nicely. Not yell so can we please just change the subject?" I asked. He nodded his head yes.

Ws talked until the food was done, so I went upstairs to get Hayes.

"Baby, breakfast is ready." I said through the door. Nash came out his bedroom door.

"Okay honey!" He winked at me and I laughed. Hayes came out and glared at me.

"Are you mad at me?" I grabbed his arm.

"You're going out with Taylor." He stated.

"Yeah. You have nothing to worry about Hayes." I went in to kiss him but he moved his head to the side.

I looked down and walked downstairs alone. Why is everyone mad at me going out with Taylor?

I looked at the clock again and it said 12:22am. Wow. Late breakfast. I laughed and sat down next to Nash since he is the only one not mad at me.

Sky came down in Hayes' arms and I smiled at him. He looked away and I sighed. I finished eating and put my plate in the sink.

"Thanks for the amazing brunch Elizabeth." I hugged her. "I'm going to sit outside until my ride gets here." I avoided their eyes and grabbed my stuff walking outside.

I sighed when I sat down on the steps of the front porch.

Taylor pulled up in no time and I stood up. He got out of the car and opened my door go me. I giggled and got in.

"Who's car is this?" I admired the black range rover that I was inside of.

"Mine. I get played well off of YouTube and vine and all of my meet and greets." He told me.

"I can see that." I said when he got to his side of the car and got inside. He laughed and we pulled onto the street.

"Have you ever been to the water park here?" He asked. I shook my head. "I havent done much of anything here." I admitted.

He smiled. "More for me to show you." He said glancing at me, then back at the rode.

"You know everyone was mad at me for coming with you." I admitted. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Why? Who?" He asked.

I shrugged. "My brother, Hayes." I trailed off.

"Wait you have a brother? Who?" He asked and we made a turn.

"You didn't know? Cameron's my brother." I laughed, then realized that there is a lot we don't know about each other.

"Oh!" He laughed. "That explains why you're staying with the Grier's." Oh Taylor it's a way longer story than you think.

"Yeah." I said simply. Lying.

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