chapter 9

692 19 2

July 9, 2014


A phone vibrated beside me. I look to my phone screen and saw Hayes name come up. Why can't this boy just walk his lazy ass downstairs?

From Hayes: hello?

From Hayes: come upstairs!!

To Hayes: nooo I'm comfy on the couch. :)

Then I heard someone coming down the stairs.

"Good Morning beautiful" Hayes kissed my forehead. He's been doing that every morning since the incident. I've only cut once since then, it was because of Twitter hate when Hayes posted a picture of me.

"afternoon actually, i have therapy in an hour" I replied with somewhat sass.

"It's already one?" He asked confused. I nodded in response. "Vic is picking me up today because I'm her first patient." He mumbled an okay and walked into the kitchen.

I stood up and made my way up the stairs. I walked into my room and straight to the mirror. I sighed when I saw myself. I have to admit, even though it's only been a week, I already look better than when I first got here. I have been slowly but surely gaining weight. I've been outside more often so I've got a slight tan, and the bags under my eyes are slowly fading.

I walk to my closet and search through my clothes. I decided on teal cropped sweatpants and a white thin sweatshirt I made my way to the bathroom to shower.

"FRAN ITS 1:45 VIC IS GOIMG TO BE HERE SOON!" I heard Cameron tell from outside the bathroom. I nodded even though he couldn't see me.

After my shower I walked back into my room, put on my clothes, and put on some concealer underneath my eyes. I put on mascara and Chapstick, grabbed my phone and walked downstairs.

"Francesca you look beautiful." Elizabeth told me. I met Elizabeth when I came home from my first therapy session, and she is seriously one of the kindest women I've ever met.

"Thanks" I responded and blushed. Now that I think of it, I did kind of dress up today. I normally don't wear makeup but I figured I would today because I woke up feeling decent and I know that if I look bad I will feel worse later on. Make sense?

I hear Vickys voice by the front door so I walk over too it and see her and cam flirting.

"Tomorrow at 7?" Cameron asked. She nodded. I cleared my throat and cam turned around. I winked at him and grabbed Vics arm and pulled her to her car.

"How are you?" She asked trying to change the subject. Ill let her get away with it today since I can just bother Cameron later. "I'm honestly Better. Happier." I smiled.

"That's great! I've been thinking about putting you on medication. Would that be okay?" She asked. I nodded. Anything that will help me. I just want to be happy.

"We'll talk more when we get to the building."

The rest of the ride was silent. This is weird she usually can always keep a conversation going.

I pulled out my phone and texted Nash.

To Nash: hey Nash

From Nash: hey franners!

To Nash: I'm really bored and I wanted something to do.

From Nash: talk to your therapist!

To Nash: she was being weird but were getting out of the car now Gtg

20 minutes later, I finally had enough of her silentness.

"Vic why are you so quiet?" I asked

"My daughter kept me up all night." Her eyes widened after she realized what she said.

"Daughter?" I asked.

"Do you want to know the real reason why I became a therapist?" Vic asked me. I nodded vigorously.

"Well it all started when I was in 10th grade. I had a boyfriend of 4 years. He was always very touchy. He would try to grab my butt and boobs, and basically anything on my body. At a football game one night, he took me into the bathroom because he told me he didn't feel good. When we got inside the bathroom, he locked the door. I didn't think anything of it. I just thought he didn't want people to see him throw up. Little did I know, he had a devious plan. He pinned me against the wall and ripped off my shirt. He took off his shirt and tied it around my mouth so I wouldn't scream. He unbuckled his pants and Pulled down my leggings, and he raped me. He didn't use protection, so I got pregnant. I had my baby at 16. Her name is Aimee. After i had her i went into a deep depression. I never left my room. My parents took care of Aimee. I didnt eat or drink. About 3 months later, I wanted to be a proper parent. I got off my butt and went to therapy. When my depression was better, I graduated and went to college. Aimee is currently 3 years old. Aimee's father is in jail, and I am happy. I want the same for you Francesca. " she sighed "please Don't tell your brother!" She added.

"Why don't you want to tell him? "

"He will think I'm gross because i got raped. He won't like me! I really like him Fran." She confessed awkwardly.

"You have to tell him. He won't judge you! He is so understanding, I promise." I hugged her.

(A/n: this is just a filler chapter but you learn a little bit about Victoria! The picture attached is how I imagine Vic

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