Chapter 22

474 11 2

July 20, 2014


Three hours later, me and Cameron's arms were full of bags. Hollister, lush, forever 21, pink, American Eagle, etc. You name it, we have a bag for it.

"Thanks so much! I had fun." I hugged my brother.

"I missed you Fran. You never come to me anymore." He frowned starting the car and backing out of the parking lot.

"What do you mean?" I asked, but I knew what he meant.

"Back in California, you would come to me for advice and we would always hang out and we had each others backs for everything." He explained. "I feel like I've been replaced by Nash."

"Cam, I could never replace you." I sighed. "There are just some things going on that you wouldn't understand. Plus, you need to have some fun. I always used to have u stuck in the house with me."

"Just don't be afraid to talk to me. I'm always here for you." He glanced at me and then back at the rode.

"Love you."

"Love you more Fran."

When we got back to the house, i hurriedly got ready. Today, Nash is forcing me to make a YouTube video, and then I will talk to Hayes for sure.

Since I just went shopping it's going to be a haul video.

It would be so awesome to be a beauty guru.

I stood up and went to Nash's room.

"Hey Nash?" I asked. He was talking to my brother. I saw a flash of hurt in Cams eyes because I went to talk to Nash again.

"Can I use your camera to film a video?" I asked. The two boys both smiled and looked at each other.

"Of course baby girl." Nash grabbed his canon camera out of his night stand and motioned to his closet. "My tripod is in there." He handed me the camera."

I grabbed it and went to grab the tripod.

"Thanks." I hugged them. Cam kissed my cheek and Nash ruffled my hair.

I walked out of the room and back into mine. I set up the tripod and the camera on my balcony. It wasn't windy today so I should be okay making a video out here.

I grabbed all of my bags and set them down next to the chair I will be sitting in. I pulled out a black short-sleeve crop top and faded high-waisted jean shorts. I've had them in my closet for a while. I also gathered up a bunch of bracelets that looked good together and shook then into my wrists.

I threw on some mascara to make my eyes looks less tired, and some cherry red lipgloss.

I looked in the mirror and smiled. This is me. No, not depressed self harm me. I mean, this is me before any shut happened. This is happy me.

I walked over to the camera on the balcony and sat down in the chair that was also set up. I pressed a button on the camera.

"Hey guys! It's Francesca Dallas!" I said exuberantly while waving at the camera. "I was at the mall today with my brother and we went to tons of store, so I figured that I would make a YouTube haul video!" I smiled once more. "Let's jump Right into it!" I pronounced with enthusiasm.

I showed lots of outfits that I paired together, and some jewelry and bathing suits, etc.

5 minutes later, I ran out of clothes to show so I started talking again.

"As some of you guys may know, I have recently been struggling with bi-polar, depression, and many more. I moved in with the Grier's a few months ago , and I couldn't be any more thankful to everyone in this house. They have all been so supportive to me, no matter what the circumstances are." I took a deep breath and continued.
"I was put into therapy and my therapist Victoria, has also been so kind to me. If you didn't know, my scars are almost faded." I pulled up my bracelets and stood up to show my thighs. "I've gained 10 pounds, and I am just overall happier. This goes to show that whatever you guys are going through, you can get through it. We'll do it together. Love you guys! I'll be posting every Friday." I blew a kiss to the camera and then ended the video.

I edited it and then decided to come out my room for once. Time to make Hayes miss me. I don't know if I could pull this off, but it's worth a shot.

I checked myself in the mirror and walked out the door. First I brought the camera back into Nash's room and thanked him, then I tried to figure out where Hayes is. I checked his social media and found a picture on Twitter of him on the trampoline. It was posted 3 minutes ago.

I walked outside and acted like I didn't know he was there. He cleared his throat so I looked up. He was looking at me.

"Hey." I smiled.

"You look, different." He stated while staring at my legs. He's never really seen them before.

"I'll take that as a compliment." I smiled. "I just came out here to feel the pool, I was thinking about going in." I lied quickly.

"It's warm." He looked away when I bent down to feel the water.

"Do u mind going inside so I can go in? I'm still self conscious you know?" I explained.

"No can do. I'm having some friends over in a little and mom won't let them inside because they're pretty reckless."

"Fine. Don't make fun of how fat I look." I huffed.

"Your not fat! You lost almost 30 pounds before you came here. You're still working on gaining it back. Your not fat." He shook his head. "Go change and get in the pool."

I turned around and walked into the house.

As I walked away, for some reason, I knew he was watching me. I knew my plan was working.

(A/N: IM BACK! sorry for the really long wait, here's a long chapter to make up for it!)

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