chapter 26

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August 8, 2014


"Hayes, I don't know if I can put myself up to be hurt again. I don't think I would be able to handle it." I said panicking slightly. Leave it to me, Francesca Dallas to overthink the easiest questions. My answer should be yes, and I want to say yes, but for some reason I cant.

Its like my heart is saying "say yes!" But my mind is screaming "No!".

"I won't hurt you Fran. I promise. I don't think you realize that every time I ever hurt you, I had to live with the guilt of it." His eyes hardened but softened only seconds later. I thought about it.

"Yes." I pronounced.

"What?" He asked.

"Yes i will be your girlfriend." He smiled at me.

I brought my lips to his slowly. They moved together like they were made for each other.

"Don't hurt me." I gasped when we broke apart for air.

August 15, 2014

It has been a week since me and Hayes started dating. Cam was mad at first, and he grounded me for 2 days but Nash talked to him.

Sometimes, it seems like only Nash can get through to him.

Tonight, me and Vicky are going to the beach about an hour away from the house.

We were supposed to have a girls night, but things change. She called me twenty minutes before we were planning to go

"Hey Fran? Can Cam come to the beach with us? You can bring Hayes with you." She sounded sympathetic. I was a little disappointed, because it's been a while since just me and her out, but I don't mind because its only Cam and Hayes.

I told her I didn't mind and I went to go find them.

To my convenience, they were both in the kitchen eating.

"Get ready. Beach with Vic in twenty." I walked over to Hayes and took a bite of his donut.

"Both of us?" Cam asked while hayes glared at me.

I nodded and kissed both of their cheeks and dashing back up the stairs into my room.

To Vic: both boys are getting ready. Cya, luv ya

I walked to my closet and pulled out a yellow bathing suit top. I didn't have the bottoms that came with it, so I grabbed black and white polka dot bottoms. I put on white shorts and a blue shirt. The shirt was crocheted, so it had holes in it to show my bikini top.

I wiped off my mascara and concealer and put my hair in a high ponytail.

I looked in the mirror once more and walked into Hayes' room.

"Hey babe." He was only in his swim trunks and I admired his toned stomach.

"You almost ready?" I asked. He nodded.

"Let me grab my phone and fix my hair." He said. I shook my head and picked up his phone from beside me.

"Ill do your hair." I smiled.

"No!" He glared at me.

"What? Why?" I asked. "Baby trust me." I pleaded.

"Only because you called me baby." He smirked and I sat on the bed.

"Sit on the floor between my legs." I demanded. His eyes widened and I gasped. "Perv." I added.

He laughed and sat down. He looked at the wall as I played around with his hair. I finally found a style that looked good on him. In the end it was just going to get ruined in the water anyways though.

He got his phone from my bag and went on snapchat.

He took a selfie, which I obviously photobombed, and started typing.

When he was done, he motioned for me to go on and look.  I got my phone and went on snapchat.

It was the cutest picture of him and a ugly ass me in the background.

"Baby did magic on my hair?" I rolled my eyes jokingly. "That's the best caption I could think of." He defended. I laughed and kissed his lips quickly.

"That's it?" He pouted.

I leaned towards him and slowly brought our lips closer. When they were about to touch I pulled away.

"They're waiting downstairs." I  winked at him and he rolled my eyes.

How did I even end up dating such a sassy boy?

(A/n: This is a short and pointless chapter, but I'm running out of ideas for this book! Send me ideas

Also go read worthless by iloveshawny she is an amazing writer and she deserves more readers!

Love you all! Don't forget to vote and comment)

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