Chapter 41

393 8 2

November 8, 2014


My hands shook as I knelt beside her bed, grabbing her hand.

"You need to wake up, and you need to remember. I need you to be in love with me, and I need you to be happy." I pushed some hair out of her face.

"Everyone misses you, and wants you to wake up. Especially me. I've never felt this way about anyone Francesca. You alone are my everything. I am one hundred percent dedicated to you, and no matter what happens, you need to be happy." I gripped her hand inside of mine.

"I don't want to let go of you." I admitted. She reminds me of sleeping beauty. Or Snow White. Yes, I've seen those movies. A beautiful girl, cursed to sleep. Only true loves kiss shall wake them up. Except, this is no fantasy, and I am not a prince. Although, she is my princess.

"Wake up beautiful." I pressed my lips to her cold forehead.

I took out my phone and snapped a picture of me gripping her hand. Damn it, she inspires me so much it's crazy. I wiped my eyes, when I heard the door creak.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt you, but we have to take her to do tests. Go home and sleep, everyone else left." The doctor placed his hand on my shoulder. I glanced at my princess, not wanting to leave her. "Taylor." The doctor said. I stood up, and left.


I smiled as I saw Taylor get into his overly expensive car.

I walked into the hospital and thanked the doctor. He walked out to give me privacy.

Yes, I did pay the doctor to get everyone to leave. I couldn't see her any other way. I sat down on the chair beside her bed.

It hurt knowing this is my fault. I don't know why I did it. It's like a completely different person is inside of me and turns me into a monster.

"Fran, I am sorry." I whispered. "This is all my fault and I can't hate myself anymore than I do right now." I admitted. I grabbed her hand and frowned when it didn't squeeze mine back like it usually did. I noticed something cold on her finger and saw a silver ring. One that matched Taylor's. I yanked it off her finger and put it on the table beside her, hiding it underneath papers. I don't want Taylor in her life anymore.

"I only have limited time with you before everyone comes back. No one can know I am here. If you hear everything I am saying to you, don't tell anyone." I brought my lips to her hand. "I love you." I stood up and left, knowing the guys would be back any minute.

Taylor (a/n: sorry for all the pov changes)

Twenty minutes later, I woke up from my power nap. I've been gone for at least a good forty minutes, the tests should be done. I brushed me teeth and quickly hopped back into my car.

I drove, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't speeding, to the hospital.


Once I got to the all to familiar room, I saw all the boys in there, as well as Victoria. "Bro, tests are all good." Matt said, and patted my back when I walked past him. I quickly went to pick up her hand again, but noticed something odd. The ring wasn't on her finger.

I panicked and looked around for it. "Guys, her ring is missing."

"Chill Taylor! They must've taken it off for the tests." Mahogany reasoned. I shook my head.

"They never have before. Somebody was here." I heard a soft groan from beside me, I set my phone beside her on the bed and she reached over and grabbed it. All of our eyes widened. Her eyes were squinted when she opened them, and she tried to pull her hand away from mine. A few tears escaped my eyes, and Shawn ran to get a nurse. When her body finally began to work, she pulled away from me. Victoria got her some water. She looked really confused which made me extremely nervous.

"What happened?" She scanned everyone's faces, as if looking for someone.

Out of everything I planned happening, I never expected those two words to come out of her dry, cracked lips. My heart cracked in half.

"Where's Hayes?"

(A/n: VERY CLICHE I KNOW!  But that is the end of someday! I hope you guys enjoyed the story, and there will be a sequel posted soon! I will give more info when I hit 2.51k reads ! 💗💗 love you guys!)

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