Chapter 38

391 9 1

September 29, 2014


I laughed at Nash's remark about Taylor. Him and Cameron are making fun of Taylor about how 'whipped' he is.

Taylor is pouting on the bar stool in the kitchen, while we are all leaned against the counter being mean to him. Well, I wasn't being mean to him. I was just laughing which is just as bad as anyone else.

"Taylor baby." I rubbed his shoulder. He shrugged me off and continued to pout. I climbed onto his lap and left a kiss on the corner of his lips, teasing him. The boys mocked him, waiting for him to give in and kiss me.

"Just do it dude." Cameron smacked both of our heads as he went to pick up our plates from the breakfast we just finished. Taylor looked around and when he was sure they weren't watching he snuck a kiss onto my lips. I smiled and rubbed my hands along the hairline on the back of his neck.

"He's like shaking because he wants to touch her bro." Nash laughed loudly.

"Stop teasing him. You guys suck." I slapped them both in the back of the head and grabbed Taylor's hand, running upstairs. When we got to my room he locked the door and picked me up.

"Now I can do this." He layed me down on the bed and stood between my legs, kissing me. I moaned lightly when his hands massaged my thighs.

"You could've done that all along." I said against his lips. He smiled into the kiss, flipping us over so I was on top.


"Don't talk to me." Hayes brushed past me, rolling his eyes. I grabbed his arm forcefully and yanked him into the pantry.

I was in the kitchen and he was there as well, so I took that as a chance to talk to him. I saw the opportunity and I took it.

"What do you want." He sat on the ground.

"I want to be friends." I said. He scoffed and shook his head no.

"No way. You cheated on me." He stated the obvious.

"You sound like I asked you to go on a date with me. I'm asking you to be my friend Hayes." I pleaded. As much as I hate to admit it, I have been slightly lonely without Hayes. Whenever I see him, it is constant fighting and I am sick of it. I am going to be mature and at least try to make up. I am not asking for much.

"I miss you." He sighed. I nodded sadly.

"So much." I finished for him. His phone buzzed and he stood up.

"I have to go." He sighed. "I'll see you later?" He asked nervously. This is slightly awkward, but at least he talked to me.

"Yeah. See you." I moved out of the way so he could exit. He left and I sat for a few more minutes. "Wait, why the hell am I sitting in the pantry?" I murmured to myself and stood up.

I walked outside into the backyard and saw some of the guys on the trampoline. Gilinsky waved at me when he saw me walking, and all the other boys turned to look at me.

"I hate attention on me." I said harshly. Everyone awkwardly looked away and I tried to jump onto the trampoline. I was scared that it was going to hurt, so I hesitated.

"Such a pussy." Taylor rolled his eyes and lifted me up. I smacked him playfully, the boys laughing.

Not everyone was here, only the Jacks, Matt, Nash, Cam, Taylor and I.  I hate being the only girl, but Adrian seemingly fell off the face of the earth, so here I am.

"I am not a pussy." I defended while scooting away from my boyfriend.

"You have one." Matt pointed out. Everyone laughed except me. "That's disgusting." I shook my head and started to climb out.

"We'll stop." Taylor promised and I sat down next to him. He placed his hand on the inside of my thigh and my skin began to burn where his hand was rested.

"Where were you before you came out."  Johnson asked. I smiled and clapped my hands together.

"Oh yeah, me and Hayes made up. It was awkward, but we talked, which is good." Everyone told me that they were happy for me, except Taylor. He avoided eye contact with me which is weird. I brushed it off and leaned into him. He pulled away from my though as I sighed. Everyone was laughing as I stood up.

"Taylor get over here." I jumped off the trampoline and walked towards the house. I didn't go inside but I sat on the chairs on top of the deck. I heard footsteps and then I saw Taylor sit down next to me.

"What's up?" I asked and looked at him. He rolled his eyes.

"What's up? He's going to fucking take you from me. That's what's up." He seethed.

"That's what this is about?" I asked, raising my voice slightly.

"Yeah. He still looks at you like he wants you. You're just to oblivious to everything." He scoffed.



"Leave me alone." I whispered and put my head in my hands.

"I can't, and won't let you leave me." I felt his gentle lips press a kiss to my temple. "I love you, and I know we haven't been dating that long and that we are young and stupid. I am in love with you."

I gasped. Someone is in love with me? I know Hayes has said it to me before but this time is different. I feel complete with Taylor and those three words locked my whole heart in place. The heart that he put together, and locked in place.

"I am in love with you Taylor." He can throw away the key.

I'm in love.

(A/n: I love them)

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