Chapter 35

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August 22, 2014


I nervously fiddled with my clothes in my room while I waited for Taylor to pick me up. It is currently 5:50 and I am pacing around my room with Cameron and Aaron on my bed.

"Calm down. You look amazing." Cameron smiled and I looked at Aaron. He nodded and smiled also.

Someone knocked on the door and I jumped. The boys chuckled while I opened the door.

"Your boyfriend is downstairs." Sammy, I think told me. I smiled and thanked him. I grabbed my phone, and heels while walking downstairs. All three boys following behind me. I glared at Hayes and his Barbie doll.

He rolled his eyes and I looked away. I saw Taylor standing in the doorway. He's wearing a white shirt with a black blazer on top, and kaki pants. He is also wearing a pair of thick glasses.

I went to hug Taylor but Cameron pulled me back and stepped in front of me. He started saying my curfew and tried to sound like a dad. Better than the dad I had. I blinked away the tears at the thought of my dad.

"Okay dad. Let me go with Taylor now." Taylor laughed and cam glared at me.

"Taylor no funny business." Cameron warned.

"Fuck off." Taylor flipped him off and pulled me out the door. I laughed loudly as we ran towards his car. He had a different car than his usual Range Rover.

"Can I know what we are doing yet?" I asked. He shook his head and kissed my pouting lips, then he started the car and we drove off.

"Babe when you get there, you cannot be nervous." He said.

"You're making me more nervous." I said honestly. He grabbed my hand and drove with the other. I smiled and brought our hands up to my lips where I left a soft kiss.

I looked over and saw him smile and blush.

"TAYLOR CANIFF IS BLUSHING!" I yelled and he blushed even more.

"Shut the fuck up will you?" He said playfully.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, until Taylor mumbled something.

"What?" I asked.

"I said cock." He mumbled again, but this time it was more understandable.

We had small talk as we continued to drive.

"We're here." Taylor said and came to a stop. I looked out the window and saw a big house.

"Where are we?" I asked when he opened my door for me.

"A party. Now let's go." He lifted me out of my seat and closed the door. I heard the beep of his car horn signaling the lock.

He continued to carry me to the amazing house. There were lots of other cars parked on the log driveway.

One he got to the door. He opened it without knocking.

I furrowed my eyebrows as there were lots of people dressed up and scattered around the house. Taylor set me down and told me to follow him.

"Hey dad." Taylor said and my eyes widened as the older man turned around. I am not ready for this.

"Hey Taylor. I wasn't expecting you." His eyes showed happiness and surprise as he pulled Taylor into a hug.

"I'm not that bad of a person to miss my cousins party. Plus, I do live here." Taylor glanced at me. "This is Francesca." He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. "Fran, this is my dad."

I smiled nervously and played with my hat. "Hi Mr.Caniff."

"Call me Kevin." He stuck his hand out and I shook it. "Go find Tristen. He misses you like crazy." Kevin said, directed to Taylor. Taylor smiled a bright smile and yanked my arm while running.

"I'm wearing heels!" I laughed. He picked me up again and continued running. I have so many questions for him.

We ended up going upstairs and opening every single door. He pulled me into a room and sat down on the bed.

"Can you tell me what's going on?" I asked.

"Yes." He grabbed both of my hands in his. "This is my room. I live here with my aunt and her daughter. It is her daughters graduation party. Late, I know, but yeah." He played with my fingers and continued talking. "My whole family and a few of her friends are here to celebrate. I figured I would bring you as my date. You meet my family and I get to spend time with you. Win/win. Before you meet the rest of my family. I want to know what to call you." I put my hand over my mouth as he got down on one knee. He better not.

He pulled out two rings. They were both silver and they had words on the inside.

One said 'I love you'

The other said 'I know'

"Will you, Francesca Grace Dallas do me the extraordinary honor of being my girlfriend?" He looked nervous.

I nodded and took out both rings. I took the one that said 'I love you' and gave him the 'I know' one. We both put them on and smiled.

"This is so cute." I brought my lips to him and kissed him. He smiled into the kiss and pulled me onto his lap.

The door opened and we both gasped and broke apart.

"Sorry." The teen girl blushed. She looked a lot like Taylor.

I awkwardly slid off his lap but Taylor had other ideas. He laughed and pulled me back on. He laid down and I was forced to lay on top of him. If you didn't realize, Taylor is a big fan of PDA. I on the other hand have never been a fan of it, but it's always good to try new things right?

"Come here Sam." Taylor told the girl and she sat down next to us on the bed. She seems so embarrassed because she walked in on our make out session.

"Sam this is my girlfriend Francesca." I smiled and hid my face in his chest. "Fran, this is my cousin, the graduate, Samantha."

"Hi! It's nice to meet you. Taylor has been so happy the past week and I'm guessing you're the reason why." I lifted my head from Taylor's chest and looked at her. She had short brown hair and a petite figure. I smiled at her and nodded. "I have to ask though, how old are you." My smile dropped and I looked at Taylor. Our age difference makes me so self conscious.

"She's fourteen." He said proudly. Sam raised her eyebrows at him. "She looks a lot older." She said. Taylor chucked and took off my hat so he could play with my hair.

"That's what I told her." He confessed. She laughed. "I'm happy for you guys." She said.

I finally looked up at her and I thanked her. "Congratulations by the way." I said to her as she made her way out. She nodded.

I looked down at our hands as Taylor sat up. "Let's go find Tristen." I didn't know who Tristen was, but by the sound of Taylor's voice, he is very excited to see him. He put back on my hat and we both stood up, leaving to look for the mystery boy known as tristen.

(A/n: I will have the pictures of the rings attached to the next chapter.

Guys this book is almost over, but there will be a sequel. I have the rest of the book finished, so expect fast updates. ❤️)

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