chapter 1

952 21 1

June 28, 2014


Cameron's departure day is tomorrow. I don't know how I am going to live.

"If you kill yourself now, you will never have to live without him." I said to myself.

Ill do it. I ran to the cabinet and pulled out my blades. I was going to slit my throat. As gross as it may seem, it wasn't hard to do. I was used to pain and blood.

I put the cold metal on the soft skin of my neck. The feeling brought a tingling sensation to me. I was so used to it, almost addicted. It is as if the blades are longing for my blood on them every single night. Its as if they need me as much as I need them.

I started poking the metal through the skin on my neck. It hurt like hell but it's what I have to do. My motivation to do this was -

Cameron's leaving you.

No one loves you.

Your a freak. Thats why Cams leaving.

I pressed the metal even deeper.

Suddenly, I heard Cameron calling for me. I had to get it over with! I can't let him save me!

Right as I was about to make a slit the door barged open. Cameron was looking at me with wide eyes. Then he grabbed the blade from me.


"WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THIS!?" He screamed, throwing the blade.

I broke down sobbing. "I won't be able to live when your gone anyways. I thought it would be easier to get it over with now." I said in between sobs

He grabbed a washcloth, wet it with warm water, and sat next to me. He pressed the washcloth to my neck.

I winced when the water hit my cut. It burned. He pulled me into his chest and I cried into his shirt while he cried on my head.

"Fran, I came in here to tell you that you are coming with me." He let up a little smile. "I couldn't leave you so I asked if you could come with me. Nash said yes Fran! He said yes! Your moving to North Carolina with me. You'll be away from all of these bitches who make fun of you. You'll have a brand new start." Cam said getting happier with every word.

"Really!?" I wiped a tear off of my cheek. "I thought you were going to leave me!"

"I would never leave you. Your my everything. If you couldn't come with me, and I found you like this I wouldn't go. But your coming! Its real!" He readjusted the washcloth on my neck.

"When do I have to pack my stuff by?"

"Were leaving tomorrow afternoon, so by tonight!" He stood up and picked me up with him. He grabbed a bandaid out of the cabinet and put it on my neck.

"Am I ever going to be okay?" I asked.


"Ill come in and help you in a Half an hour. I think you need some time to yourself though. Please don't ever pull a stunt like that again." He said walking to the door after he set me on my bed. "I need you too. You know?" My bedroom door closed and I was alone

Well Better start packing. I've got lots to do.
(A/n: the next chapter will be longer sorry.. )

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